[Note: The instructions in brackets are to be replaced by the relevant information and the brackets deleted.]
[Owner or operator] hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the requirements of 9VAC25-590 (Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Financial Requirements Regulation).
The financial assurance mechanism[s] used to demonstrate financial responsibility under 9VAC25-590 is [are] as follows:
Indicate type of Mechanism (Note: the Fund may not be used as the sole mechanism):
____ Virginia Petroleum Storage Tank Fund ("the Fund")
____ Letter from Chief Financial Officer
____ Guarantee
____ Insurance Endorsement or Certificate
____ Letter of Credit
____ Certificate of Deposit
____ Surety Bond
____ Trust Fund
Name of Issuer (for mechanism other than the Fund): ______________________________
Mechanism Number (if applicable):_____________________
Demonstration amount for mechanism other than the Fund:
$______________ corrective action per occurrence
$______________ third party liability per occurrence
$______________ annual aggregate
The Virginia Petroleum Storage Tank Fund demonstrates amounts for corrective action per occurrence, third party liability per occurrence, and annual aggregate, in excess of the amounts demonstrated by the "mechanism other than the Fund" up to one million dollars. In the event that the owner/operator owns/operates in excess of 100 USTs in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Fund demonstrates up to an annual aggregate of two million dollars.
Mechanisms' effective period of coverage: _______________ to _______________
(If you are using either the Financial Test or the Guarantee, please indicate the current financial reporting year, e.g., 1/01/02-12/31/02, if you use the calendar year as your financial reporting year, or other dates if you operate under a different fiscal year. If you are using a Letter of Credit, a Certificate of Deposit, a Surety Bond, or an Insurance Policy, please indicate the annually renewable term of the applicable mechanism.)
Do(es) mechanism(s) cover(s): taking corrective action and/or compensating third parties for bodily injury and property damage caused by either sudden accidental releases or nonsudden accidental releases or accidental releases ____ Yes ____ No
If "No," specify in the following space the items the mechanism covers:
[Signature of owner or operator]
[Name of owner or operator] [Title] [Date]
[Signature of notary]
[Name of notary] [Date] My Commission expires:
9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-590-260:9
Statutory Authority
§§ 62.1-44.34:9 and 62.1-44.34:12 of the Code of Virginia; 40 CFR Part 280 .