Designated Use | Criteria Concentration/Duration | Temporal Application |
Migratory fish spawning and nursery | 7-day mean [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 6 mg/l (tidal habitats with 0-0.5 ppt salinity) | February 1 - May 31 |
Instantaneous minimum [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 5 mg/l | ||
Open water1 | 30-day mean [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 5.5 mg/l (tidal habitats with 0-0.5 ppt salinity) | year-round2 |
30-day mean [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 5 mg/l (tidal habitats with > 0.5 ppt salinity) | ||
7-day mean [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4 mg/l | ||
Instantaneous minimum [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 3.2 mg/l at temperatures < 29°C Instantaneous minimum [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4.3 mg/lat temperatures [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 29°C | ||
Deep water | 30-day mean [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 3 mg/l | June 1 - September 30 |
1-day mean [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2.3 mg/l | ||
Instantaneous minimum [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 1.7 mg/l | ||
Deep channel | Instantaneous minimum [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 1 mg/l | June 1 - September 30 |
1In applying this open water instantaneous criterion to the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries where the existing water quality for dissolved oxygen exceeds an instantaneous minimum of 3.2 mg/l, that higher water quality for dissolved oxygen shall be provided antidegradation protection in accordance with 9VAC25-260-30 A 2. 2Open-water dissolved oxygen criteria attainment is assessed separately over two time periods: summer (June 1- September 30) and nonsummer (October 1-May 31) months. |
Designated Use | Chesapeake Bay Program Segment | SAV Acres1 | Percent Light-Through-Water2 | Water Clarity Acres1 | Temporal Application |
Shallow water submerged aquatic vegetation use | CB5MH | 7,633 | 22% | 14,514 | April 1 - October 31 |
CB6PH | 1,267 | 22% | 3,168 | March 1 - November 30 | |
CB7PH | 15,107 | 22% | 34,085 | March 1 - November 30 | |
CB8PH | 11 | 22% | 28 | March 1 - November 30 | |
POTTF | 2,093 | 13% | 5,233 | April 1 - October 31 | |
POTOH | 1,503 | 13% | 3,758 | April 1 - October 31 | |
POTMH | 4,250 | 22% | 10,625 | April 1 - October 31 | |
RPPTF | 66 | 13% | 165 | April 1 - October 31 | |
RPPOH | 4 | 13% | 10 | April 1 - October 31 | |
RPPMH | 5,380 | 22% | 13,450 | April 1 - October 31 | |
CRRMH | 768 | 22% | 1,920 | April 1 - October 31 | |
PIAMH | 3,479 | 22% | 8,014 | April 1 - October 31 | |
MPNTF | 85 | 13% | 213 | April 1 - October 31 | |
MPNOH | - | - | - | - | |
PMKTF | 187 | 13% | 468 | April 1 - October 31 | |
PMKOH | - | - | - | - | |
YRKMH | 239 | 22% | 598 | April 1 - October 31 | |
YRKPH | 2,793 | 22% | 6,982 | March 1 - November 30 | |
MOBPH | 15,901 | 22% | 33,990 | March 1 - November 30 | |
JMSTF2 | 266 | 13% | 665 | April 1 - October 31 | |
JMSTF1 | 1,333 | 13% | 3,332 | April 1 - October 31 | |
APPTF | 379 | 13% | 948 | April 1 - October 31 | |
JMSOH | 15 | 13% | 38 | April 1 - October 31 | |
CHKOH | 535 | 13% | 1,338 | April 1 - October 31 | |
JMSMH | 531 | 22% | 1,328 | April 1 - October 31 | |
JMSPH | 604 | 22% | 1,510 | March 1 - November 30 | |
WBEMH | - | - | - | - | |
SBEMH | - | - | - | - | |
EBEMH | - | - | - | - | |
ELIPH | - | - | - | - | |
LYNPH | 107 | 22% | 268 | March 1 - November 30 | |
POCOH | - | - | - | - | |
POCMH | 4,066 | 22% | 9,368 | April 1 - October 31 | |
TANMH | 13,579 | 22% | 22,064 | April 1 - October 31 | |
1The assessment period for SAV and water clarity acres shall be the single best year in the most recent three consecutive years. When three consecutive years of data are not available, a minimum of three years within the data assessment window shall be used. | |||||
2Percent light-through-water = 100e(-KdZ) where Kd is water column light attenuation coefficient and can be measured directly or converted from a measured secchi depth where Kd = 1.45/secchi depth. Z = depth at location of measurement of Kd. |
Designated Use | Chlorophyll a Narrative Criterion | Temporal Application |
Open water | Concentrations of chlorophyll a in free-floating microscopic aquatic plants (algae) shall not exceed levels that result in undesirable or nuisance aquatic plant life or render tidal waters unsuitable for the propagation and growth of a balanced, indigenous population of aquatic life or otherwise result in ecologically undesirable water quality conditions such as reduced water clarity, low dissolved oxygen, food supply imbalances, proliferation of species deemed potentially harmful to aquatic life or humans, or aesthetically objectionable conditions. | March 1 - September 30 |
See 9VAC25-260-310 special standard bb for numerical chlorophyll criteria for the tidal James River. |
Chesapeake Bay Segment Description | Segment Name1 | Chesapeake Bay Segment Description | Segment Name1 |
Lower Central Chesapeake Bay | CB5MH | Mobjack Bay | MOBPH |
Western Lower Chesapeake Bay | CB6PH | Upper Tidal Fresh James River | JMSTF2 |
Eastern Lower Chesapeake Bay | CB7PH | Lower Tidal Fresh James River | JMSTF1 |
Mouth of the Chesapeake Bay | CB8PH | Appomattox River | APPTF |
Upper Potomac River | POTTF | Middle James River | JMSOH |
Middle Potomac River | POTOH | Chickahominy River | CHKOH |
Lower Potomac River | POTMH | Lower James River | JMSMH |
Upper Rappahannock River | RPPTF | Mouth of the James River | JMSPH |
Middle Rappahannock River | RPPOH | Western Branch Elizabeth River | WBEMH |
Lower Rappahannock River | RPPMH | Southern Branch Elizabeth River | SBEMH |
Corrotoman River | CRRMH | Eastern Branch Elizabeth River | EBEMH |
Piankatank River | PIAMH | Lafayette River | LAFMH |
Upper Mattaponi River | MPNTF | Mouth of the Elizabeth River | ELIPH |
Lower Mattaponi River | MPNOH | Lynnhaven River | LYNPH |
Upper Pamunkey River | PMKTF | Middle Pocomoke River | POCOH |
Lower Pamunkey River | PMKOH | Lower Pocomoke River | POCMH |
Middle York River | YRKMH | Tangier Sound | TANMH |
Lower York River | YRKPH | ||
1First three letters of segment name represent Chesapeake Bay segment description, letters four and five represent the salinity regime of that segment (TF = Tidal Fresh, OH = Oligohaline, MH = Mesohaline, and PH = Polyhaline) and a sixth space is reserved for subdivisions of that segment. |
9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-260-185
Statutory Authority: § 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia; Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1251 et seq.); 40 CFR Part 131.