Powell River from river mile 136 (south of Jonesville) downstream to the Tennessee/Virginia line (river mile 115.8-total 20.2 miles).
Endangered Species:
Appalachian monkeyface pearly mussel | Quadrula sparsa |
Birdwing pearly mussel | Conradilla caelata |
Cumberland monkeyface pearly mussel | Quadrula intermedia |
Dromedary pearly mussel | Dromus dromas |
Fine-rayed pigtoe pearly mussel | Fusconaia cuneolus |
Shiny pigtoe pearly mussel | Fusconaia edgariana |
Threatened Species:
Slender chub | Hybopsis cahni |
Yellowfin madtom | Noturus flavipinnis |
Clinch River from river mile 323 (Richlands) downstream to the Tennessee/Virginia line (river mile 202.1).
Endangered Species:
Appalachian monkeyface pearly mussel | Quadrula sparsa |
Birdwing pearly mussel | Conradilla caelata |
Fine-rayed pigtoe pearly mussel | Fusconaia cuneolus |
Green blossom pearly mussel | Dysnomia torulosa gubernaculum |
Pink mucket pearly mussel | Lampsilis orbiculata |
Shiny pigtoe pearly mussel | Fusconaia edgariana |
Clinch River from the Scott/Russell County line (at Bangor-river mile 244.2) downstream to the Tennessee boundary (river mile 202.1).
Threatened Species:
Slender chub | Hybopsis cahni |
Copper Creek from 2 miles above its confluence with the Clinch River (river mile 211.6).
Endangered Species:
Fine-rayed pigtoe pearly mussel | Fusconaia cuneolus |
Shiny pigtoe pearly mussel | Fusconaia edgariana |
Copper Creek from Dickensville (river mile 56) in Russell County downstream to its confluence with the Clinch River.
Threatened Species:
Yellowfin madtom | Noturus flavipinnis |
North Fork Holston River from river mile 93.3 (near Broadford) downstream to the Smyth/Washington County line (river mile 82.1).
Endangered Species:
Shiny pigtoe pearly mussel | Fusconaia edgariana |
North Fork Holston River from the Smyth/Washington County line (river mile 82.1) to the Tennessee/Virginia boundary (river mile 5).
Threatened Species:
Spotfin chub | Hybopsis monacha |
Middle Fork Holston River from river mile 43 (in Marion) downstream to river mile 18.4.
Endangered Species:
Tan riffle shell mussel | Dysnomia walkeri |
Middle Fork Holston River from river mile 6.5 to river mile 3.2 near Osceola.
Threatened Species:
Spotfin chub | Hybopsis monacha |
9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-260-110
Statutory Authority
§ 62.1-44.15(3a) of the Code of Virginia.