The mandated features of this State matching grant program are:
For purposes of this program, revenue sharing funds received by localities shall be considered as local funds and may be used as the local share for meeting the above stated conditions. Other grants such as Coastal Plains Commission monies shall not be considered local funds.
For purposes of this program, the costs of engineering design work, construction performance and beach response monitoring, whether conducted by the locality itself or by a private firm under contract with the locality, may be included as part of the local match.
Payment may be requested in one initial payment or on fiscal year basis. Any residue funds at the end of the grant period will revert to the Commission. In any period in which funds are not appropriated by the General Assembly, multiple year grants will terminate without further obligation on the Commonwealth for funding.
4 Va. Admin. Code § 45-10-70
Statutory Authority
Chapter 21, Title 10, Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended.