It shall be lawful to release pen-raised bobwhite quail on private lands with permission of the landowner. Released pen-raised quail may be recaptured using a call back cage. For the purposes of this section, a call back cage is defined as a cage, pen, box, or barrel with one or more funnel entrances to allow pen-raised quail to enter from the outside. The call back cage must contain one or more live pen-raised bobwhites (call birds). Each call back cage shall be marked by means of a nonferrous metal tag bearing the name and address of the person operating such call back cage. No bait or food may be placed outside of the call back cage and no call back cages may be set on lands without permission of the landowner.
4 Va. Admin. Code § 15-190-60
Statutory Authority
§§ 29.1-501 and 29.1-502 of the Code of Virginia.