Calcium | 0.2 unit + 5.0% of guarantee |
Magnesium | 0.2 unit + 5.0% of guarantee |
Sulfur | 0.2 unit + 5.0% of guarantee |
Boron | 0.003 unit + 25.0% of guarantee |
Cobalt | 0.0001 unit + 30.0% of guarantee |
Molybdenum | 0.0001 unit + 30.0% of guarantee |
Chlorine (except for tobacco) | 0.005 unit + 10.0% of guarantee |
Copper | 0.005 unit + 10.0% of guarantee |
Iron | 0.005 unit + 10.0% of guarantee |
Manganese | 0.005 unit + 10.0% of guarantee |
Sodium | 0.005 unit + 10.0% of guarantee |
Zinc | 0.005 unit + 10.0% of guarantee |
The maximum allowance when calculated as above shall be one unit (1.0%).
*In applying these investigational allowances, the recommended AOAC International procedures for obtaining samples, sample preparation, and analyses must be used. These are described in the 17th edition of the "Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC International" and in subsequent issues of the "Journal of Official Analytical Chemists." Values carried to two decimals are to be used, but values may be rounded to one place where preferred in reporting.
2 Va. Admin. Code § 5-400-50
Statutory Authority
§ 3.2-3601 of the Code of Virginia.