18 Va. Admin. Code § 10-20-10
Section 54.1-400 of the Code of Virginia provides definitions of the following terms and phrases as used in this chapter:
Certified interior designer
Interior design. When used in this chapter, interior design shall only be applicable to interior design performed by a certified interior designer.
Land surveyor. When used in this chapter, land surveyor shall include surveyor photogrammetrist unless stated otherwise or the context requires a different meaning.
Landscape architect
Practice of architecture
Practice of engineering
Practice of land surveying
Practice of landscape architecture
Professional engineer
The following words, terms, and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings ascribed to them except where the context clearly indicates or requires different meanings:
"Application" means a completed application with the appropriate fee and any other required documentation including references, experience verification, degree verification, and verification of examination and licensure or certification.
"Comity" means the recognition of licenses or certificates issued by other states or other jurisdictions of the United States as permitted by § 54.1-103C of the Code of Virginia.
"Department" means the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation.
"Direct control and personal supervision" means supervision by a professional who oversees and is responsible for the work of another individual.
"Good moral character" may be established if the applicant or regulant:
1. Has not been convicted of a non-marijuana misdemeanor in the last 10 years or has ever been convicted of a felony that would render the applicant unfit or unsuited to engage in the occupation or profession applied for in accordance with § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia;
2. Has not committed any act involving dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, or incompetence reasonably related to:
a. The proposed area of practice within 10 years prior to application for licensure, certification, or registration; or
b. The area of practice related to licensure, certification, or registration by the board while under the authority of the board;
3. Has not engaged in fraud or misrepresentation in connection with the application for licensure, certification, or registration, or related exam;
4. Has not had a license, certification, or registration revoked or suspended for cause or been disciplined by the Commonwealth or by any other jurisdiction, or surrendered or has surrendered a license, certificate, or registration in lieu of disciplinary action; or
5. Has not practiced without the required license, registration, or certification in the Commonwealth or in another jurisdiction within the five years immediately preceding the filing of the application for licensure, certification, or registration by the Commonwealth.
"Good standing" means that the regulant holds a current or active license, certificate, or registration issued by any regulatory body that is not subject to a current sanction. The regulant shall be in good standing in every jurisdiction where licensed, certified, or registered.
"Place of business" means any location that, through professionals, offers or provides the services of architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, interior design, or any combination thereof. A temporary field office established and utilized for the duration of a specific project shall not qualify as a place of business under this chapter.
"Profession" means the practice of architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, or interior design.
"Professional" means an architect, professional engineer, land surveyor, landscape architect, or certified interior designer who holds a license or certificate issued by the board pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and is in good standing with the board to practice his profession in the Commonwealth.
"Registrant" means a business holding a registration issued by the board and in good standing to offer or provide one or more of the professions regulated by the board.
"Regulant" means an architect, professional engineer, land surveyor, or landscape architect holding a license issued by the board and is in good standing; a certified interior designer holding a valid certification issued by the board and is in good standing; or a registrant.
"Resident" means physically present at the place of business a majority of its operating hours.
"Responsible person" means the professional named by the registrant to be responsible and have control of the registrant's regulated services offered, rendered, or both. A professional can only be the responsible person for the profession indicated on his licenses or certifications.
"Surveyor photogrammetrist" means a person who by reason of specialized knowledge in the area of photogrammetry has been granted a license by the board to survey land in accordance with Chapter 4 (§ 54.1-400 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia for the determination of topography, contours, or location of planimetric features using photogrammetric methods or similar remote sensing technology.
18 Va. Admin. Code § 10-20-10
Statutory Authority: §§ 54.1-201 and 54.1-404 of the Code of Virginia.