The following section is reproduced from the Commonwealth of Virginia Sewerage Regulations State Department of Health, State Water Control Board, February 1977
25.05 Sludge Dewatering
25.05.01 General
Drainage from beds and concentrate or filtrate from dewatering units shall be returned to the sewage treatment process at appropriate points preceding disinfection. These organic loads shall be considered in plant design, and alternatives for handling these loads may be considered similar to those for supernatant (See Section 25.01.06d).
25.05.02 Sludge Drying Beds
The sludge drying bed area required for dewatering aerobic and anaerobic digested sludge shall not be less than the following:
Type of Treatment | Open Beds | Covered Beds |
Primary | 1.25 | 0.75 |
Trickling Filter | 1.50 | 1.25 |
Activated Sludge | 1.75 | 1.35 |
Chemical Precipitation | 2.00 | 1.50 |
Aerated Plant with Aerobic Digesters | 1.50 | 1.35 |
For other types of sludge treatment, the drying bed area will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
The lower course of gravel around the underdrains shall be proper graded and should be 12 inches in depth, extending at the underdrains. It is desirable to place this in two or more layers. The top layers of at least three inches shall consist of gravel 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch size.
The top course shall consist of at least 12 inches of sand with a uniformity coefficient of less than 4.0 and an effective grain size between 0.3 and 0.75 millimeters.
Underdrains shall be clay pipe, concrete drain tile or other underdrain material acceptable to the Department and the Board and shall be at least four inches in diameter and sloped not less than one percent to drain. Underdrains shall be spaced not more than 20 feet apart.
Paved surface beds may be used if supporting data to justify such usage are provided.
Walls shall be watertight and extended 15 to 18 inches above and at least six inches below the surface.
Not less than two beds shall be provided and they shall be arranged to facilitate sludge removal. Concrete truck tracks should be provided for all percolation type sludge beds. Pairs of tracks for percolation type beds should be on 20-foot centers.
The sludge pipe to the beds shall terminate at least 12 inches above the surface and be arranged so that it will drain. Concrete splash plates shall be provided at sludge discharge points.
25.05.03 Rotary Vacuum Filtration
25.05.04 Centrifugation
25.05.05 Pressure Filtration
25.05.06 Lagooning
12 Va. Admin. Code § 5-610-1170:5