12 Va. Admin. Code § 30-122-370

Current through Register Vol. 41, No. 10, December 30, 2024
Section 12VAC30-122-370 - Environmental modifications service
A. Service description. Environmental modifications service means physical adaptations to the individual's home or primary vehicle that are necessary to ensure the individual's health and welfare or to enable functioning with greater independence. Environmental modifications service shall be covered in the FIS, CL, and BI waivers.
B. Criteria and allowable activities.
1. To qualify for environmental modifications (EM) service, the individual enrolled in the waiver shall have a demonstrated need for:
a. Installation of ramps and grab-bars, widening of doorways, modification of bathroom facilities, or installation of specialized electric and plumbing systems that are necessary to accommodate the medical equipment and supplies that are necessary for the individual and are consistent with the plan for supports requirements.
b. Modifications to a primary automotive vehicle in which the individual is transported that is owned by the individual, a family member with whom the individual lives or has consistent and ongoing contact, or a nonrelative who provides primary long-term support to the individual and is not a paid provider of environmental modifications.
2. EM service shall encompass those items not otherwise covered in the State Plan for Medical Assistance or through another program.
C. Service units and limits.
1. Environmental modifications (EM) service shall be provided in the least expensive manner possible that will accomplish the modification required by the individual enrolled in the waiver and shall be completed within the calendar year.
2. The maximum funded expenditure per individual for all EM service covered procedure codes (i.e., combined total of EM service items and labor related to these items) shall be $5,000 per calendar year for individuals regardless of the waiver for which EM service is approved and regardless of whether or not the individual changes waivers over the course of the calendar year. The service unit shall always be one for the total cost of all EM being requested for a specific timeframe.
3. EM service shall only be available to individuals enrolled in the waiver who are receiving at least one other waiver service. EM service shall be service authorized by the state-designated agency or its designee for each calendar year with no carry-over of authorized unspent funds across calendar years.
4. Providers of EM service shall not be the spouse, parents, or legal guardians of the individual enrolled in the waiver.
5. Modifications shall not be used to bring a substandard dwelling up to minimum habitation standards.
6. Excluded from coverage under the EM service shall be those adaptations or improvements to the home that are of general utility and that are not of direct medical or remedial benefit to the individual enrolled in the waiver, including carpeting, roof repairs, and central air conditioning. Also excluded shall be modifications that are reasonable accommodation requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, (42 USC § 12101 et seq.), the Virginians with Disabilities Act (Title 51.5 (§ 51.5-1 et seq.) of the Code of Virginia), and the Rehabilitation Act (29 USC § 701 et seq.). Adaptations that add to the total square footage of the home shall be excluded from this service. Except when EM service is furnished in the individual's own home, it shall not be provided to individuals who receive residential support service.
7. Modifications shall not be service authorized or covered to adapt living arrangements that are owned or leased by providers of waiver services or those living arrangements that are sponsored by a DBHDS-licensed provider. Specifically, provider-owned or leased settings where residential support service is furnished shall already be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
8. Environmental modifications to a primary vehicle shall exclude:
a. Adaptations or improvements to the vehicle that are of general utility and are not of direct medical or remedial benefit to the individual;
b. Purchase or lease of a vehicle; and
c. Regularly scheduled upkeep and maintenance of a vehicle, except upkeep and maintenance of the modifications that were covered under the environmental modifications service.
9. EM service shall be provided in accordance with all applicable federal, state, or local building codes and laws.
D. Provider requirements.
1. Providers shall meet all of the requirements set forth in 12VAC30-122-110 through 12VAC30-122-140.
2. An EM service provider shall be one of the following:
a. A Medicaid-enrolled durable medical equipment provider; or
b. A CSB or BHA.
3. Providers of environmental modifications service shall have a current, signed participation agreement with DMAS. Providers as designated on this agreement shall render environmental modifications directly and shall bill DMAS for Medicaid reimbursement.
4. If a provider has previously made environmental modifications, such previous work shall have been completed satisfactorily in order to be authorized for future jobs. A provider shall perform all servicing and repairs that the modification may require for the individual's successful use.
E. Service documentation and requirements.
1. Providers shall include signed and dated documentation of the following in each individual's record:
a. The appropriate service authorization to be completed by the support coordinator may serve as the plan for supports for the provision of EM service. A rehabilitation engineer may be involved for EM service if disability expertise is required that a general contractor may not have. The service authorization shall include justification and explanation if a rehabilitation engineer is needed. The service authorization request shall be submitted to the state-designated agency or its designee in order for service authorization to occur;
b. Written documentation regarding the process and results of ensuring that the item is not covered by the State Plan for Medical Assistance, for example as durable medical equipment (DME) and supplies and that it is not otherwise available from a DME provider;
c. Documentation of the recommendation for the item by an independent professional consultant if an independent professional consultant is required for the individual's needs;
d. Documentation of the date EM service is rendered and the amount of service that is needed;
e. Any other relevant information regarding the device or modification;
f. Documentation in the support coordinator's record of notification by the designated individual or individual's representative family/caregiver of satisfactory completion or receipt of the service or item; and
g. Instructions regarding any warranty, repairs, complaints, or servicing that may be needed.
2. Provider documentation shall support all claims submitted for DMAS reimbursement. Claims for payment that are not supported by supporting documentation shall be subject to recovery by DMAS or its designee as a result of utilization reviews or audits.

12 Va. Admin. Code § 30-122-370

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 14, eff. 3/31/2021.

Statutory Authority: § 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 1396 et seq.