Current through Register Vol. 41, No. 10, December 30, 2024
Section 11VAC20-20-50 - Suspension, revocation, or denial of permit and authorizationA. Pursuant to § 18.2-340.20 of the Code of Virginia, the department may suspend, revoke, or deny (i) the permit to conduct charitable gaming or to contract with an operator to administer a poker tournament or (ii) the authorization to operate and conduct electronic gaming of any organization for cause, including any of the following reasons: 1. The organization is found to be in violation of or has failed to meet any of the requirements of the Charitable Gaming Law or regulations governing the management, operation, and conduct of charitable gaming or electronic gaming in the Commonwealth.2. The organization is found to be not in good standing with its state or national organization.3. The IRS revokes or suspends the organization's federal tax-exempt status.4. The organization willfully and knowingly provides false information in its application for a permit to conduct charitable gaming.5. The organization is found to have a member involved in the management, operation, or conduct of its charitable gaming who has been convicted of any felony or any misdemeanor as follows:a. For any person participating in the management or operation of any charitable gaming: (1) Convicted of a felony; or(2) Convicted of any misdemeanor involving fraud, theft, or financial crimes within the preceding five years.b. For any person participating in the conduct of charitable gaming:(1) Convicted of any felony within the preceding 10 years; or(2) Convicted of any misdemeanor involving fraud, theft, or financial crimes within the preceding five years.6. The organization is found to have managed, operated, or conducted a poker tournament or to have contracted with an operator or any person to administer a poker tournament on its behalf without a permit issued to the organization to do so.7. If the qualified organization uses or intends to use an operator to administer its poker tournament, the qualified organization fails to submit or provide to the department (i) a written contract that complies with 11VAC20-30-180, (ii) a new or amended written contract with its operator within the 20 days following the date on which that contract is signed by all parties to the contract, or (iii) a new or amended written contract with its operator that complies with 11VAC20-30-180.8. The qualified organization, member of the qualified organization, person affiliated or associated with the qualified organization, or immediate family member or person residing in the household of a member of the qualified organization or of a person affiliated or associated with the qualified organization directly or indirectly has any interest or ownership in an operator with which the qualified organization contracts to administer its poker tournament.9. A member of the qualified organization; person affiliated or associated with the qualified organization; or immediate family member or person residing in the household of a director, officer, owner, partner, employee, independent contractor, or member of the qualified organization or of a person affiliated or associated with the qualified organization receives compensation from an operator with which the qualified organization contracts to administer its poker tournament.10. If the qualified organization conducts a poker tournament or contracts with an operator to administer its poker tournament, the qualified organization, member of the qualified organization, person affiliated or associated with the qualified organization, or immediate family member or person residing in the household of a member of the qualified organization or of a person affiliated or associated with the qualified organization directly or indirectly receives any payment from the landlord of the facility where the poker tournament occurs or from the agents, employees, immediate family members, or persons residing in the household of the landlord unless such payment is directly related to a written contract to lease a facility for use to hold a poker tournament as required by 11VAC20-20-120 A and such payment is made by check or electronic fund transfer from the landlord directly to the qualified organization's charitable gaming account.B. The failure to meet any of the requirements of § 18.2-340.24 of the Code of Virginia shall cause the denial of the permit, and no organization shall conduct any charitable gaming until the requirements are met and a permit is obtained.C. The failure to meet the definition of a social organization or the requirements in § 18.2-340.26:1 shall cause the denial of the authorization to conduct electronic gaming, and no organization shall conduct electronic gaming until the requirements are met and an authorization is obtained.D. Except when an organization fails to meet any of the requirements of § 18.2-340.24 of the Code of Virginia or fails to file a financial report as required by § 18.2-340.30 of the Code of Virginia or when a manufacturer fails to file a financial report as required by § 18.2-340.30:2 of the Code of Virginia, in lieu of suspending, revoking, or denying a permit to conduct charitable gaming; an authorization to operate and conduct electronic gaming; or a permit to distribute a distributed pull-tab system or electronic gaming devices, the department may afford an organization or manufacturer, at the department's discretion, an opportunity to enter into a compliance agreement specifying additional conditions or requirements as it may deem necessary to ensure an organization's or a manufacturer's compliance with the Charitable Gaming Law and regulations adopted pursuant thereto and may require that an organization or manufacturer participates in such training as is offered by the department.E. If the premises on which a social organization operates and conducts electronic gaming is deemed a common nuisance pursuant to § 18.2-258 of the Code of Virginia, then the department may suspend, revoke, or deny the social organization's authorization to operate and conduct electronic gaming.F. If a permit or authorization to operate and conduct electronic gaming is suspended, the department shall set the terms of the suspension, which shall include the length of the suspension and a requirement that, prior to reinstatement of the permit or authorization, the organization shall submit a remedial business plan to address the conditions that resulted in the suspension. The remedial business plan must be approved by the department prior to reinstatement of the permit or authorization.G. An organization whose permit or authorization to operate and conduct electronic gaming is revoked shall be eligible to reapply for an authorization one year from the date of revocation. If the authorization was revoked fewer than 18 months prior to the organization reapplying for an authorization, the organization shall submit a remedial business plan for approval by the department to address the conditions that resulted in the revocation. The remedial business plan must be approved by the department prior to reinstatement of the permit or authorization. The department at its discretion may issue the authorization if it is satisfied that the organization's remedial business plan will result in compliance with the requirements of the Charitable Gaming Law and regulations adopted pursuant thereto.H. If a permit or authorization to operate and conduct electronic gaming is suspended, the department shall set the terms of the suspension, which shall include the length of the suspension and a requirement that prior to reinstatement of the authorization, the organization shall submit a remedial business plan approved by the department to address the conditions that resulted in the suspension. The remedial business plan must be approved by the department prior to reinstatement of the permit or authorization.I. If an organization fails to meet the minimum use of proceeds requirement after having been suspended, the organization's authorization to operate and conduct electronic gaming shall be revoked. An organization whose authorization is revoked shall be eligible to reapply for an authorization at the end of one year from the date of revocation. If the authorization is revoked, the organization is required to reapply for an authorization, and if the authorization was revoked less than 18 months prior to reapplying for an authorization, then the organization shall submit a remedial business plan approved by the department to address the conditions that resulted in the revocation. The department at its discretion may issue the authorization if it is satisfied that the organization's remedial business plan will result in meeting the use of proceeds requirement.11 Va. Admin. Code § 20-20-50
Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 14, eff. 3/29/2023; Amended, Virginia Register Volume 40, Issue 17, eff. 5/9/2024.Statutory Authority: § 18.2-340.19 of the Code of Virginia.