Except as noted here, coverage elections including those made by new employees are made on a prospective basis, that is, effective the first of the month following the receipt of the election form or enrollment action. However, if the receipt of the form or the date of the enrollment action is the first of the month, then the effective date will be the first of the month. Additionally, if an election form or enrollment action is received from a new employee on the first business day of the month, coverage for the new employee will commence on the first day of that month (see 1VAC55-20-370). Coverage elections made on account of a newborn, adoption or placement for adoption are effective the date the child is born, adopted or placed for adoption, as long as the employee makes the coverage election within 31 days of the event. Coverage terminations are effective the end of the month following receipt of an election notice, except for terminations that are required by the plan. Coverage terminations required by the plan are effective the end of the month that the event takes place. Examples of coverage terminations required by the plan are such things as a divorce, termination of employment or a dependent child losing eligibility.
1 Va. Admin. Code § 55-20-330
Statutory Authority: § 2.2-2818 of the Code of Virginia.