Individual Privacy and the Automatic Location Information (ALI) Display
Local Exchange Carriers (LECs), Alternative Local Exchange Carriers (ALECs), and any telecommunications company providing dial tone in Vermont shall notify their customers of their privacy rights under Act 182 of the 1996 General Assembly.
LECs and ALECs shall develop procedures to enable their customers to exercise their privacy option.
LECs and ALECs shall administer their customers' requests.
LECs and ALECs shall provide that information to the incumbent enhanced 9-1-1 system provider for entry into the ALI database.
Telephone customers shall be responsible to notarize their request for the privacy option, and send the documentation and their request to their LEC or ALEC.
Telephone customers shall be responsible to renew their request if they switch telephone companies or change residences.
31-003 Code Vt. R. 31-010-003-X
EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 1997 Secretary of State Rule Log #97-26
AMENDED: March 2011 [Renumbered from 30 020 003]