31-006 Code Vt. R. 31-000-006-X

Current through June, 2024
Section 1.0 Preamble

The Vermont Public Service Department, through a contract with the University of Vermont Extension Service, provides residential audit services to Vermonters statewide on a first come first served basis. In the past, there has been no charge for such services. The cost of providing these services continues to rise at a point in time when federal funds supporting this program have been reduced. In recognition of this fact, legislation was passed during the Adjourned Session of the 1981 General Assembly instructing the Commissioner of the Vermont Public Service Department to establish a fee schedule for Home Energy Audits (HEAT).

Section 2.0 Definitions

"Commissioner" - Commissioner of the Vermont Public Service Department.

"Department" - The Vermont Public Service Department (PSD).

"Fees" - Monetary payment made to the Vermont Public Service Department (PSD) by Vermont householders to partially offset the costs of audit services provided them by the PSD or its agent.

"HEAT" - Home Energy Audit Teams, the name given to the PSD program to provide residence audit services to Vermont's householders.

"Home Energy Audits (HEAT)" - audits of Vermont residences provided by the PSD or its agent.

Section 3.0 Purpose

To establish a fee schedule for Home Energy Audits (HEAT) as mandated in 3 V.S.A. Section 2286(e).

Section 3.1 Heat Audit Fee Schedule
A. The PSD shall charge a $ 15 fee to each eligible Vermont householder receiving a HEAT audit.
B. The $ 15 fee will take into consideration the ability of the recipient to pay. This will be determined by existing applicable federal low income guidelines.
Section 3.2 Payment of Fees
A. Payment of fees shall be made to the HEAT Program in a manner to be developed by the PSD.
B. Fees shall be charged for an audit performed on or after the first of the month following the effective date of these rules.
C. Persons asking to be exempted from the payment of fees shall self-certify on a form provided by the PSD.
D. Exceptions and appeals to the payment of audit fees - Any person aggrieved by the payment of the fee may appeal to the Commissioner of the Vermont Public Service Department.

31-006 Code Vt. R. 31-000-006-X

August 2, 1984 Secretary of State Rule Log #84-32
December 2017 [Renumbered from 30 000 041]


3 V.S.A. C. 45 § 2286