For the purposes of this Rule, the following definitions apply:
"Account" means a unique identifier assigned by the electric company to a customer for billing purposes. A customer account may include one or more meters.
"Adjoining Landowner" means a person who owns land in fee simple that:
"Adjustor" means a positive or negative charge applied to production kWh based on factors related to site selection (Site Adjustor) and retention of tradeable renewable energy credits (REC Adjustor).
"Amendment" means a request for approval of a modification to a proposal that is either under review or has been approved by the Commission. The term amendment also includes requests to change the terms or conditions of a CPG issued by the Commission.
"Applicant" means the entity seeking authorization to construct and operate a net-metering system.
"Billing Meter" means an electric meter that measures either the consumption of electricity by a customer or the net of electric consumption by the customer and production by the net metering system.
"Blended Residential Rate" means the lesser of either:
"Capacity" means the rated electrical nameplate for a plant, except that, in the case of a solar energy plant, the term means the aggregate AC nameplate capacity of all inverters used to convert the plant's output to AC power. The capacity of an inverter is not changed when it is derated.
"Category I Net-Metering System" means a net-metering system that is not a hydroelectric facility and that has a capacity of 15 kW or less.
"Category II Net-Metering System" means a net-metering system that is not a hydroelectric facility that has a capacity of more than 15 kW and less than or equal to 150 kW, and that is sited on a preferred site.
"Category III Net-Metering System" means a net-metering system that is not a hydroelectric facility, that has a capacity of greater than 150 kW and less than or equal to 500 kW, and that is sited on a preferred site.
"Category IV Net-Metering System" means a net-metering system that is not a hydroelectric facility, that has a capacity of greater than 15 kW and less than or equal to 150 kW, and that is not located on a preferred site.
"Certificate Holder" means one who holds a CPG. The certificate holder must have legal control of the net-metering system.
"Certificate of Public Good" or "CPG" means a certificate of public good issued by the Commission pursuant to 30 V.S.A. §8010.
"Commissioned" or "Commissioning" means the first time a plant is put into operation following the initial construction of the plant.
"Conditional Waiver of a Criterion of 30 V.S.A. §248" means the Commission waiver of the requirements for the presentation of evidence under the criterion, a specific review of the project by the Commission under the criterion, and the development of specific findings of facts for the criterion, unless the Commission finds that the application raises a significant issue under that criterion.
"Customer" means a retail electric consumer.
"Department" means the Vermont Department of Public Service.
"Earth disturbance" means construction activities including clearing, grading, and excavating, but does not include routine maintenance that is performed to maintain the original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of the facility.
"Electric Company" means the utility serving the net-metering customer or the utility that would serve an applicant seeking authorization to construct and operate a net-metering system, as the context indicates.
"Excess Generation" means the following: for customers who elect to wire net-metering systems such that they offset consumption on the billing meter, excess generation is the number of kWh by which production exceeds consumption. For customers who elect to wire net-metering systems such that they do not offset consumption on any customer's billing meter, all recorded production is considered excess generation.
"File" means the submission of documents, exhibits, plans, information, or other materials to the Commission through the Commission's electronic filing system, by delivery to the Commission's offices, or by delivery to the Commission during the course of a hearing.
"Group Net-Metering System" means a net-metering system serving more than one customer, or a single customer with multiple electric meters, located within the service area of the same retail electricity provider. Various buildings owned by municipalities, including water and wastewater districts, fire districts, villages, school districts, and towns, may constitute a group net-metering system. A union or district school facility shall be considered in the same group net-metering system with buildings of its member municipalities that are located within the service area of the same retail electricity provider that serves the facility.
"Host Landowner" means the owner of the property on which the net-metering system is or will be located.
"kW" means kilowatt or kilowatts (AC).
"kWh" means kilowatt hours.
"Inclining Block Rate" means a rate structure where an electric company charges a higher rate for each incremental block of electricity consumption.
"Interconnection Facilities" means all facilities and equipment between the generation resource and the point of interconnection, including any modifications, additions, or upgrades that are necessary to physically and electrically interconnect the generation resource to the interconnecting utility's distribution or transmission system.
Interconnection facilities are sole-use facilities and do not include system upgrades.
"Project Limits" means the boundary within which all construction, materials storage, earth disturbance, vegetation clearing, planting, management, landscaping, and any other activities related to site preparation, construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning take place as a result of the net-metering system, including the creation or modification of access roads and utility lines.
"Net-Metering" means the process of measuring the difference between the electricity supplied to a customer and the electricity fed back by a net-metering system(s) during the customer's billing period:
"Net-Metering System" means a plant for generation of electricity that:
"Non-Bypassable Charges" means those charges on the electric bill defined in an electric company's tariffs that apply to a customer regardless of whether they net-meter or not. Non-bypassable charges may not be offset using current or previous net-metering credits. A customer is liable for payment of these charges regardless of whether the customer has a credit balance resulting from net-metering. The customer charge, energy efficiency charge, energy assistance program charge, any on-bill financing payment, and any equipment rental charge are non-bypassable charges.
"Party" means any person who has obtained party status under Section 5.117 of this Rule.
"Plant" means an independent technical facility that generates electricity from renewable energy. A group of facilities, such as wind turbines, will be considered one plant if the group is part of the same project and uses common equipment and infrastructure, such as roads, control facilities, and connections to the electric grid. Common ownership, control, proximity in time of construction, and proximity of facilities to each other will be relevant to determining whether a group of facilities is part of the same project.
"Pre-Existing Net-Metering System" means a net-metering system for which a completed CPG application was filed with the Commission prior to January 1, 2017, and whose completed application was either filed at a time when net-metering was being offered by the electric company pursuant to 30 V.S.A. §219 a (h)(1)(A) as the statute existed on December 31, 2016, or qualified under state law as a system that did not count towards the capacity limit on net-metering contained in that statute.
"Preferred Site" means one of the following, provided that the site does not require significant forest clearing:
"Production Meter" means an electric meter that measures the amount of kWh produced by a net-metering system.
"Significant Forest Clearing" means clearing more than three acres of forest. For purposes of this Rule, the word forest means land that has at least 10 percent canopy cover by live trees of any size and associated naturally occurring vegetation or has had at least 10 percent canopy cover of live trees and associated naturally occurring vegetation in the past and has stumps, snags, or other evidence indicating that it has not been converted to a non-forest use at the time of a CPG application filing. To qualify as forest, an area must be at least one acre in size and 120 feet wide. In determining whether an area is at least one acre in size or 120 feet wide, any portion of a group or contiguous area of trees that extends beyond the project or parcel boundaries must be counted. Canopy cover must be measured from the outermost edge of tree crowns across a group or contiguous area of trees. The three-acre limit on significant forest clearing is cumulative and includes each discrete area of any forest proposed for clearing. Clearing of individual trees that are not part of a forest will not count toward the three-acre limit on significant forest clearing.
"Time-of-Use Meter" means an electric meter that measures the consumption of electricity during defined periods of the billing cycle.
"TOU" means time-of-use.
"Tradeable Renewable Energy Credit or REC" means all of the environmental attributes associated with a single unit of energy generated by a renewable energy source where:
To be eligible to apply for a net-metering CPG under this Rule, an applicant must propose one of the following:
XYZ Corporation (d/b/a ABC Solar)
Headquarters at 123 Maple Lane, Anytown, VT 05600
Service Agent: Jane Doe, Esq.
VT Business ID#: 12345
Notice to state agencies, the electric company, and regional planning commissions will occur through ePUC. The applicant must provide notice to any affected municipal legislative body and planning commission, host landowner, and adjoining landowners by first-class mail, personal delivery, or any other means authorized by the person entitled to service. This notice must include, at a minimum, the case number, a reference and link to the advance submission required under Rule 5.106(C), a general description of the proposed net-metering system and its location, a statement that a complete application has been filed with the Commission and that the case has been opened, and information and a link that will allow the recipient to access the complete application electronically.
The notice must also include instructions on how a recipient can contact the applicant to obtain a hard copy of the complete project plans and petition if the recipient is not able to access them electronically. If a hard copy is requested by the recipient, the applicant must serve it by first-class mail or its equivalent within 4 days of the request.
Commission approval is required for any substantial change to the plans of a net-metering system that has been issued or deemed issued a certificate of public good. An amended CPG, necessitated by changes substantial or non-substantial, may be obtained in the following manner:
Pursuant to 30 V.S.A. §8010, which provides that the Commission may waive the requirements of 30 V.S.A. §248(b) that are not applicable to net-metering systems, the Commission will review registrations and applications for net-metering systems for compliance with the following statutory criteria. All other criteria are conditionally waived.
Applicants seeking authorization to construct a ground-mounted net-metering system must comply with the following minimum setback requirements:
Interested persons may obtain information about a net-metering CPG application by visiting ePUC at or by contacting the Clerk of the Commission.
The purpose of this Rule is to simplify the process of participating in the review of applications for net-metering CPGs. In keeping with this purpose, the process for reviewing CPG applications is described in Sections 5.116 through 5.124, below. Any procedure not described in this Rule is governed by the provisions of Rule 2.200. Where there is a conflict between the procedures described in this Rule and any other Commission rule, the provisions of this Rule govern.
When a net-metering application is filed with the Commission, the public may file comments addressing whether the application should be approved. All public comments concerning an application must be filed with the Commission, with a copy sent to the applicant, within 30 days from the date of notification by the Commission that the application is administratively complete. These public comments will be viewable on the Commission's electronic filing system. The applicant may file a written response to all timely filed public comments with the Commission within 15 calendar days of the close of the 30-day public comment period, unless otherwise directed by the Commission.
The Commission will provide a form for such purpose:
The review of net-metering CPG applications is based upon the information contained in the application filed by the applicant. If a party wishes to offer contrary evidence or to challenge the accuracy of information contained in an application, then the party must request a hearing to present such evidence and argument. A party must file a request for hearing within 30 days from the date of notification by the Commission that the application is administratively complete. The request must identify the proposed issues to be resolved through the hearing. Unless the party has already been granted party status by the Commission, a request for a hearing must be accompanied by a notice of intervention or motion to intervene, pursuant to Section 5.117 of this Rule.
In cases where the Commission has determined that a hearing will be held, on reasonable notice the Commission will conduct a prehearing conference prior to the hearing. The Commission may also conduct additional status conferences as necessary. Upon request of a party and in the discretion of the Commission, such conferences may be conducted telephonically. The following topics may be addressed at a prehearing or status conference:
After the conclusion of the hearing and after the submission of any briefs and proposed findings of fact, the Commission will issue a written decision in the case. In a case where a majority of the Commission members have not heard the case or read the record, a proposal for decision will be provided to the parties for comment and opportunity for oral argument prior to the issuance of a final decision.
Information about how to appeal a Commission decision to the Vermont Supreme Court will be provided with any final order from the Commission.
The interconnection of all net-metering systems is governed by Commission Rule 5.500. The applicant bears the costs of all equipment necessary to interconnect the net-metering system to the distribution grid and any distribution system upgrades necessary to ensure system stability and reliability.
The following procedures govern the disconnection of a net-metering system from the electrical system. These procedures apply to net-metering systems only and do not supplant Commission Rules 3.300 and 3.400 relating to company disconnection in general. A customer who initiates a permanent disconnection of a net-metering system must notify the electric company. The electric company must notify the Commission and the Department of the disconnection.
Tariffs. Each electric company must review its net-metering tariff and, pursuant to 30 V.S.A. §225, file any revisions necessary to ensure consistency with this Rule.
No net-metering system may participate in a wholesale market unless the Commission finds that such participation will not harm the interests of Vermont ratepayers and will be in the public good.
An electric company may propose for Commission approval a tariff assessing a locational adjustor fee on new net-metering systems located in constrained or limited-headroom areas of the grid. The fee will be assessed on a per-kilowatt basis and collected before a net-metering system is energized. The amount of the fee must reflect the incremental economic harm caused by constructing additional generation in the area or the incremental cost to ratepayers of expanding the available grid capacity in the area. The electric company tariff must describe the physical boundaries of the constrained area or limited headroom area; existing and forecasted load and generation within the area; the capacity of the distribution, sub-transmission, or transmission system within the area; any other affected distribution utility, or VELCO, that is potentially affected by the addition of generation to the area, particularly in cases where it is the sub- transmission or transmission system that is facing a constraint; and any other factors relevant to the determination of whether a locational adjustor is just and reasonable. The tariff must also provide a method for allocating any fees collected among other electric companies affected by the constraint. A tariff proposed under this section may apply to new electric generation facilities other than net- metering systems.
30-5100 Code Vt. R. 30-000-5100-X
March 1, 2001 Secretary of State Rule Log #01-06
July 1, 2003 Secretary of State Rule Log #03-18; November 1, 2007 Secretary of State Rule Log #07-043; April 15, 2009 Secretary of State Rule Log #09-006; January 27, 2014 Secretary of State Rule Log #14-001; July 1, 2017 Secretary of State Rule Log #17-036; December 2017 [agency name change from Public Service Board; rule renumbered from 30 000 048]; 3/1/2024 Secretary of State Rule Log #24-002
30 V.S.A. §8010