This rule is adopted pursuant to 30 V.S.A. Sections 8001(b), 8004(b), and 8005(a)(3)(F).
For purposes of this rule, the following definitions shall apply:
"Alternative Compliance Payment" means a payment made to the Vermont Clean Energy Development Fund established under 30 V.S.A. Section 8015, in lieu of purchasing Renewable Energy, Tradeable RECs or Environmental Attributes, or supporting Energy Transformation Projects to satisfy the requirements of 30 V.S.A Sections 8004 and 8005 and this rule. The rates for Alternative Compliance Payments are established pursuant to 30 V.S.A. Section 8005(a)(4) and section 4.421 of this rule.
"Commission" means the Vermont Public Utility Commission or the Commission's duly authorized representative.
"Customer" means a retail electric customer.
"Department" means the Vermont Department of Public Service.
"Distributed Renewable Generation" means one of the following:
"Efficiency Service Providers" means entities providing energy efficiency services and programming, including the Energy Efficiency Utilities, weatherization agencies, and affordable housing agencies.
"Energy Conversion Efficiency" means the effective use of energy and heat from a combustion process.
"Energy Efficiency Utility" means an entity appointed by the Commission pursuant to 30 V.S.A. Section 209(d)(2) to provide energy efficiency programs and measures.
"Energy Transformation Measure" means a piece of equipment or system; a strategy intended to affect consumer energy use behaviors; or a modification of equipment, systems, or operations that reduces the amount of fossil fuel that would otherwise have been used. Examples include an individual cold-climate heat pump, heat pump water heater, or electric vehicle. Energy Transformation Measures may be prescriptive measures approved in accordance with the processes established by section 4.409 of this rule or custom measures not previously approved under section 4.409.
"Energy Transformation Program" means all Energy Transformation Projects administered by a Retail Electricity Provider.
"Energy Transformation Project" means an undertaking that commenced on or after January 1, 2015, that provides energy-related goods or services but does not include or consist of the generation of electricity and that results in a net reduction in fossil fuel consumption by the Customers of a Retail Electricity Provider and in the emission of greenhouse gases attributable to that consumption. Examples of Energy Transformation Projects may include home weatherization or other thermal energy efficiency measures; air source or geothermal heat pumps; high efficiency heating systems; increased use of biofuels; biomass heating systems; support for transportation demand management strategies; support for electric vehicles or related infrastructure; and infrastructure for the storage of Renewable Energy on the electric grid. Energy Transformation Projects may consist of:
"Environmental Attributes" or "Attributes" means the characteristics of a Plant that enable the energy it produces to qualify as Renewable Energy and include any and all benefits of the Plant to the environment such as avoided emissions or other impacts to air, water, or soil that may occur through the Plant's displacement of a nonrenewable energy source.
"Existing Renewable Energy" means Renewable Energy produced by a Plant that came into service prior to or on June 30, 2015.
"KW" means kilowatt or kilowatts (AC).
"kWh" means kW-hour or hours.
"Mmbtu" means one million British thermal units.
"MW" means megawatt or megawatts (AC).
"MWh" means MW-hour or hours.
"NEPOOL GIS" means the Generation Information System, or its successor, operated by the New England Power Pool that is used to track and monitor Tradeable RECs.
"New Renewable Energy" means Renewable Energy produced by a specific and identifiable Plant coming into service after June 30, 2015.
"Plant" shall have the same meaning as in 30 V.S.A. Section 8002.
"Plant Capacity" means the rated electrical nameplate for a Plant, except that, in the case of a solar energy Plant, the term shall mean the aggregate AC nameplate capacity of all inverters used to convert the Plant's output to AC power.
"Renewable Energy" means energy produced using a technology that relies on a resource that is being consumed at a harvest rate at or below its natural regeneration rate.
"RES" means the Renewable Energy Standard established under 30 V.S.A. Sections 8004 and 8005.
"Retail Electricity Provider" or "Provider" means a company engaged in the distribution or sale of electricity directly to the public.
"Technical Advisory Group" is a committee, originally established in relation to the Energy Efficiency Utilities, which includes the Department, Energy Efficiency Utilities, and Retail Electricity Providers, that reviews and approves the methodology and associated assumptions underlying measure-savings calculations included in the Technical Reference Manual and provides approval of Energy Transformation Measures.
"Technical Reference Manual" is a reference manual, established and maintained by the Energy Efficiency Utilities in consultation with the Technical Advisory Group, that provides methods, formulas, and default assumptions for estimating energy and peak impacts, including fossil-fuel savings, from measures and projects promoted by the Energy Efficiency Utilities' energy efficiency programs and used by Retail Electricity Providers for compliance with Tier III.
"Tier I" means the Renewable Energy Requirements for Retail Electricity Providers established under 30 V.S.A. Section 8005(a)(1).
"Tier II" means the Distributed Renewable Generation requirements for Retail Electricity Providers established under 30 V.S.A. Section 8005(a)(2).
"Tier III" means the energy transformation requirements for Retail Electricity Providers established under 30 V.S.A. Section 8005(a)(3).
"Tradeable REC" or "Tradeable Renewable Energy Credit" means all the Environmental Attributes associated with a single unit of energy generated by a Renewable Energy source where:
Pursuant to 30 V.S.A. Sections 8005(a)(3)(C) and 8005(a)(3)(F) (iii), for purposes of cost-effectiveness screening of Energy Transformation Projects, a Retail Electricity Provider shall only offer Energy Transformation Projects that meet the following criteria:
Pursuant to 30 V.S.A. Section 8005(a)(3)(F)(v), to establish and validate an Energy Transformation Project's claimed fossil-fuel reductions, avoided greenhouse gas emissions, conversion to MWh equivalent, cost-effectiveness, and, if applicable, energy savings, the following documentation and verification process shall be employed:
Pursuant to 30 V.S.A. Section 8005(a)(3)(F) (viii), if an Energy Transformation Project increases the use of electric energy, the project shall incorporate best practices for demand management, use technologies appropriate for Vermont, and encourage the installation of the technologies in buildings that meet minimum energy performance standards. To meet this requirement, Retail Electricity Providers shall follow and comply with the following provisions.
Low-income Weatherization. If proposing a low-income weatherization Energy Transformation Project, a Retail Electricity Provider may do any of the following:
Pursuant to 30 V.S.A. Section 8005(a)(4)(B), annually on or before September 1, the Commission shall announce the applicable Alternative Compliance Payment effective for the compliance year beginning on the following January 1.
30-4400 Code Vt. R. 30-000-4400-X
30 V.S.A. §§ 8001(b), 8004(b), 8005(a)(3)(F); Public Act 139 § 14 (2018 Vt. Adj. Sess.) (amending Public Act 56, § 8(d) (2015 Vt. Bien. Sess.)).