The Cannabis Control Board adopts this rule pursuant to 7 V.S.A. §§ 901, 953, 954, 956, 971, 974, 975, 976, 978, and other applicable law.
The Board is charged with implementing and regulating a legal market for Cannabis in Vermont. This rule regulates the Patient and Caregiver Registry, as well cannabis dispensaries.
All definitions in 7 V.S.A. §§ 861 and 951 shall apply to this rule. The following definitions shall also apply:
Any time this rule references a retail Cannabis Establishment or otherwise references retail stores, such references shall include the retail portion of an integrated licensee unless the text of the rule plainly states that it does not.
This rule applies to persons who seek to become Patients or Caregivers, who are Patients or Caregivers, who seek to operate a dispensary, or who operate a dispensary pursuant to 7 V.S.A. chapters 37 and 39.
If any portion of this rule is found to be invalid, the remaining portion of the rule shall remain in force and effect.
Individuals applying to register as a Patient are required to submit an application in a format determined by the Board. The Board will make the application form readily accessible to the public. Applicants may have to pay a fee in accordance with a fee schedule that the Board will make readily accessible to the public.
The Patient application shall require the following information:
The Board will make Health Care Professional Verification Forms available in a format readily accessible to the public. The Health Care Professional Verification Form must contain the following:
Individuals applying to register as a Caregiver are required to submit an application in a format determined by the Board. The Board will make the application form readily accessible to the public. Applicants may have to pay a fee in accordance with a fee schedule that the Board will make readily accessible to the public.
The Caregiver application shall require the following information:
To become registered Caregivers, individuals must be deemed qualified in accordance with the standards regarding criminal history records in section 1.11 of Board Rule 1, provided that if a spouse, domestic partner (as defined in 17 V.S.A. § 2414(e)(1)), child, legal guardian, parent, sibling, grandparent, or grandchild of a Patient seeks to be their Caregiver the Board may, at its discretion, temporarily register the Caregiver pending the completion of criminal history check.
A person or persons applying for a dispensary license are required to submit an application in a format determined by the Board. The Board will make the application form readily accessible to the public. Applicants may have to pay a fee in accordance with a fee schedule that the Board will make readily accessible to the public.
When applying Rule 1 to a person or persons applying to operate a dispensary:
Owners, principals, and employees of dispensaries will be issued Cannabis Establishment identification cards in accordance with Board Rule 1.16. This will constitute compliance with 7 V.S.A. § 976. For the purposes of this rule, a dispensary cardholder will mean an employee of a dispensary who has a current and valid Cannabis Establishment identification card.
When applying Board Rule 2 to dispensary operations:
The provisions governing transportation of Cannabis and Cannabis Products contained in Board Rule 2 do not apply to dispensaries. The following rules govern transportation and delivery for dispensaries:
A registered dispensary electing to deliver to registered Patients and Caregivers, or transfer to another dispensary or a testing laboratory, shall:
The provisions governing visitors to Cannabis Establishments contained in Board Rule 2 do not apply to dispensaries. The following rules govern visitors to dispensaries, but not visitors to the cultivation area of a dispensary:
The following rules govern visitors to the cultivation or processing area of a dispensary:
Dispensaries and the dispensary operations of integrated licensees may not sell or transfer Cannabis or Cannabis Product to any person or licensee participating in the adult use market, except that the dispensary operations of integrated licensees may make such transfers to the extent permitted by Rule 2.10.5.
Patients and Caregivers have an ongoing duty to fully and transparently update the information submitted with their registration application or their last renewal form if they have renewed their registration.
A dispensary has an ongoing duty to fully and transparently update the information submitted with their licensing application or their last renewal form if they have renewed their license.
If a dispensary seeks to alter the interest holders that control it, mere disclosure is insufficient to meet its obligations under this rule. It must seek a license renewal prior to any change in control, as required by Rule 1.17.
The Board will abide by the confidentiality requirements of 7 V.S.A. § 952(c) and 7 V.S.A. § 973(b).
The Board, in accordance with the purposes and intent of 7 V.S.A. chapter 37 and this rule, may waive a regulatory requirement regarding the operations of a dispensary or the Patient and Caregiver Registry to the extent such waiver does not conflict with any other state law, if in the Board's determination, such a waiver:
25-003 Code Vt. R. 25-000-003-X
4/19/2022 Secretary of State Rule Log #22-014
7 V.S.A. § 952(c) and 7 V.S.A. § 973(b)