Part Number: 1910
Part Number Title: Occupational Safety and Health Standards
Subpart: 1910 Subpart Z
Subpart Title: Toxic and Hazardous Substances
Standard Number: 1910.1001
Title: Asbestos.
Part Number: 1915
Part Number Title: Occup. Safety and Health Standards for Shipyard Employment
Subpart: 1915 Subpart Z
Subpart Title: Toxic and Hazardous Substances
Standard Number: 1915.1001
Title: Asbestos
Part Number: 1926
Part Number Title: Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
Subpart: 1926 Subpart Z
Subpart Title: Toxic and Hazardous Substances
Standard Number: 1926.1101 (formerly 1926.58)
Title: Asbestos
24-045 Code Vt. R. 24-050-045-X
July 15, 1987 Secretary of State Rule Log #87-031
July 25, 1992 Secretary of State Rule Log #92-040; December 31, 1992 Secretary of State Rule Log #92-067; July 10, 1995 Secretary of State Rule Log #95-036; February 19, 1996 Secretary of State Rule Log #96-010; June 23, 1997 Secretary of State Rule Log #97-023; April 18, 2000 Secretary of State Rule Log #00-023; February 2019 [Renumbered from 13 140 046 and 13 140 056]
18 V.S.A. § 1417(2); 21 V.S.A. § 224(b)