Vocational rehabilitation (V.R.) shall be provided to a worker when, because of the work injury, he or she is unable to return to suitable employment for which he or she has prior training or experience relevant to currently available suitable employment. The services provided include retraining and job placement, as may be reasonably necessary to restore the employee to suitable employment. See 21 V.S.A. § 641. The purpose of vocational rehabilitation is to provide those services including retraining, necessary to allow a return to suitable employment. The benefits provided under the statute are specifically tied to restoration of earning skills, See Bishop v. Town of Barre, 140 Vt 564 (1982), and not tied to providing specific employment. See Wentworth v. Crawford & Co., 174 VT 118 (2002). A worker is only entitled to vocational rehabilitation if the offered plan will result in suitable employment. See Bishop v. Town of Barre, 140 Vt 564 (1982). The statute envisions a collaborative process between a worker and the employer/insurer to develop and implement an appropriate plan. The Commissioner may order such rehabilitation, treatment or training necessary and appropriate to render the employee fit for a remunerative occupation. See 21 V.S.A. § 641(a)(4).
For the purposes of these rules:
Vocational rehabilitation (also V.R.) shall be provided to a worker when, because of the work injury, he or she is unable to return to suitable employment for which he or she has prior training or experience relevant to currently available suitable employment. The services provided include retraining and job placement, as may be reasonably necessary to restore the employee to suitable employment. See 21 V.S.A. § 641.
[Interim screening provision Rules 53.1200A - 53.1320A shall govern screening until the Legislature authorizes the Vermont Department of Aging and Independent Living's (DAIL) Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) to bill and collect from workers' compensation insurers the screening assessment fee authorized by these rules.]
[Effective July 1, 2007, Rules 53.1200 - 53.1320 shall supersede interim rules 53.1200A - 53.1320A if prior to that date the Legislature authorizes the Vermont Department of Aging and Independent Living's (DAIL) Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) to bill and collect from workers' compensation insurers the screening assessment fee authorized by these rules.]
[The remainder of these rules shall apply to all screening conducted before, or after July1, 2007]
The recommendation shall be provided to the injured worker, the employer/insurer, and the department. In the event that two or more responses are answered in the negative, the injured worker shall receive an entitlement assessment.
Vocational rehabilitation (V.R.) shall be provided to a worker when, because of the work injury, he or she is unable to return to suitable employment for which he or she has prior training or experience relevant to currently available suitable employment.
If any party has failed or refused to sign the Return to Work Plan, and/or if the Commissioner (designee) has found the vocational objective or plan of action not to be practicable an informal conference and/or formal hearing shall be scheduled in accordance with the Workers' Compensation Rules 5.0000 & 6.0000. The Commissioner (designee) may issue an interim order requiring or suspending further vocational rehabilitation services pending such a conference and/or hearing in accordance with 21 V.S.A. Sec. 641(b) and/or 662(b).
In the case of any dispute involving vocational rehabilitation, the Commissioner (designee) either on his or her own motion or upon request of the employer/insurer or employee, may schedule an informal conference to resolve the issue(s) in dispute. A party dissatisfied with the results of an informal conference(s) may request a formal hearing but shall comply with the directives of the informal conference until a formal hearing is held and a decision rendered.
An applicant seeking certification as a Vermont Certified Rehabilitation Professional shall submit an application to the Commissioner of the Department of Labor. The Commissioner may require rehabilitation professionals to regularly report information describing their services, including the geographic areas served by the professionals and the nature, cost and outcome of services provided to employees under these rules. After evaluating the application and all supporting documents the Commissioner may certify the person as a Vermont registered vocational rehabilitation evaluator; counselor; job developer, or intern, if the applicant has completed the following minimum education and experience. The education must have been received from an accredited school.
Education: Master's in Rehabilitation Counseling from an accredited institution; Completion of the Vermont Rehabilitation Professional's Orientation workshop no later than six months after submission of an application for Vermont registration as a rehabilitation professional, or
Master's in Counseling from an accredited institution with documentation that the following courses had been successfully completed:
One graduate course with a primary focus on the Theories and Techniques of Counseling; and
One graduate course with a primary focus on Assessment; and
One graduate course with a primary focus on Occupational Information; and
One graduate course with a primary focus on medical or psychosocial aspects of disability and
Completion of the Vermont Rehabilitation Professional's Orientation workshop no later than six months after submission of an application for certification as a Vermont certified rehabilitation professional.
Experience: Twelve months of acceptable employment experience including six months of the past 24 months working with Vermont Workers' Compensation claimants.
Education: Same as that required of the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor.
Experience: Sixty months of acceptable employment experience including 24 months working with Vermont Workers' Compensation claimants.
Education: Baccalaureate degree in any field. Completion of the Vermont Rehabilitation Professional's Orientation workshop no later than six months after submission of an application for certification as a Vermont certified rehabilitation professional.
Experience: None.
A vocational rehabilitation fee schedule is authorized by 21 V.S.A. § 641(a) in order to establish reasonable reimbursement rates for vocational rehabilitation benefits and services while providing reasonable choice and access. The employer/insurer shall not be liable for fees that exceed the maximum set by this schedule. All fees shall be supported by an itemized statement at the time of the bill, initialed and certified as accurate by the counselor. Failure to provide an itemized statement may result in a denial of the fee. By submitting an itemized bill for services to the employer/insurer the vocational rehabilitation counselor is attesting to the reasonableness and necessity of the services provided and the accuracy of the bill. Counselors are reminded that false statements may constitute workers' compensation fraud.
24-012 Code Vt. R. 24-010-012-X
EFFECTIVE DATE: March 5, 2007 Secretary of State Rule Log #07-002
AMENDED: November 1, 2016 Secretary of State Rule Log #16-041