Rule No.3420 Statement of Purpose Act 46 recognizes the possibility of Alternative Structures and incorporates into its overall design the ability for districts to create a new Alternative Structure through voluntary merger under Act 153 or Act 156. Act 46 also includes some requirements and guidance for Alternative Structure proposals submitted under Sec. 9 by districts that will not be merging. This guidance, however, lacks the specificity available for voluntary mergers, which are governed by a decades-old statutory process and by additional, explicit criteria in Act 46, Act 153, and Act 156, and Act 49.
These rules are intended to provide (1) a process by which school districts can propose to be in an Alternative Structure when the proposal does not include voluntary merger and (2) details about some of the supporting information that a district should consider when self-evaluating for purposes of presenting a proposal to merge or a proposal under Act 46, Sec. 9 and that the State Board considers when reviewing mergers proposals and will be considering when reviewing proposals under Sec. 9 and creating the Statewide Plan.
Rule No.3450 Data and Documentation Supporting Proposal 3450.1 A proposal under Act 46, Sec. 9 shall demonstrate the district's or districts' due diligence and provide sufficient, thoughtful data and documentation in support of the proposal.3450.2 A proposal under Act 46, Sec. 9 shall include a comparison of options considered, including consideration of a Preferred Structure.3450.3 A proposal under Act 46, Sec. 9 should demonstrate on what basis the State Board would be able to "conclude[] that this alternative structure. is the best means of meeting the [Goals] in a particular region" as the Board is required to do pursuant to Sec. 8(b).3450.4 A decision not to explore or propose options other than an Alternative Structure under Act 46, Sec. 9 cannot be justified solely because a district's small size means that data is not publicly available. The following, non-exclusive list of information, which is the foundation of a study committee's proposal to create a UUSD, is fundamental to a districts self-evaluation, conversations with other districts, and proposal under Act 46, Sec. 9:
FERPA NOTE: If demographic or other information cannot be made public without violating the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA") or other federal or Vermont law, then data can be referenced in another manner - e.g., by multi-year aggregates.
3450.5 Current, baseline information for the Remaining District(s) making the proposal ( for the current fiscal year, for the most recent 3-5 years, and trends) including: (1) Operating / tuitioning structure(3) Enrollment by grade in each school operated by the district(6) Students eligible for Free or Reduced-Price Lunch ("FRL")(7) Students receiving or eligible for special education services ("SpEd")(8) Students receiving or eligible for section 504 accommodations ("504")(9) Students for whom English is not the primary language ("ELL")(10) For each grade operated by the district, current and 5-year historic enrollment of students in any school operated by another district, including: (A) Students enrolled in a school operated by another district pursuant to 16 V.S.A. § 822a (statewide public high school choice), including:(i) the schools in which they are enrolled(ii) Demographics (FRL; ELL; SpEd; 504) of students enrolled in each school -- either the number of students or percent in relation to percentage enrolled in school operated by the district making the proposal(B) Students for whom the district pays tuition pursuant to: (i)16 V.S.A. § 821(c) (elementary student; geographic considerations)(ii)16 V.S.A. § 822(c)(1)(B) (secondary student; unique educational needs; independent school)(11) For each grade not operated by the district making the proposal, current and 5-year historic data regarding schools to which the district pays tuition, including: (A) The grades for which tuition is paid(B) The school(s) to which tuition is paid(C) For each identified school to which tuition is paid: (i) The number of the district's students who are enrolled, by grade(ii) Demographics (FRL; ELL; SpEd; 504) of the district's students in the school, by grade(12) For each gradenot operated by the district, current and 5-year historic data regarding schools to which the district designates pursuant to 16 V.S.A. § 827, including the information outlined in Paragraph (11) above(13) Statistical data regarding the community ( e.g., range of home values; range of incomes; income sensitivity usage; etc.)3450.6 If there is more than one district making the proposal: (1) Current and historic relationship between or among the districts(2) Distances and quality of roads between the districts and between schools, if any(A) Transportation concerns, especially those related to current low equity of opportunities and/or concern about future diminishment of equity3450.7 If there is more than one district making the proposal, conversations among them on and after July 1, 2015 regarding improving the ability to meet or exceed each of the Goals throughout the Region and exploring ways to work together, including: (1) Number and length of open, warned meetings(2) Opportunities for community engagement(3) Opportunities for student involvement(4) Published minutes of proceedings3450.8 Evidence of the current ability of each district making the proposal to independently meet or exceed the Goals concerning educational quality, opportunity, and equity as required in Act 46, Sec. 9 and Sec. 2. #1 "substantial equity in the quality and variety of educational opportunities"
#2 "leading students to achieve or exceed the State's Education Quality Standards"
(1) Student assessments, by grade-level, for all students in the district and for students disaggregated by demographics (including FRL; ELL; SpEd; and 504) -- current and 5-year (or 2- to 3-year for SBAC) historic data including: (A) ELA/reading in 3 [rd ] - 9 [th ] grade(B) Mathematics in 3 [rd ] - 9 [th ] grade(C) Science in three grades(D) Any local assessments used(2) If elementary schools are operated, then for at least the previous 3 years: (B) Number of hours per week for each category for each grade ( e.g., math, science, foreign languages, art, music, physical education, etc.)(3) If secondary schools are operated, then for at least the previous 3 years: (B) Breadth and depth of offerings ( e.g., levels of math instruction; foreign languages; fine arts; AP courses; etc.)(4) For each grade for which tuition is paid, evidence of each student's access to options, including whether the sending district or the receiving school provides transportation as needed, particularly for students living in poverty and students with disabilities - including the cost of providing transportation(5) For a school operated by the district, students accessing non-traditional learning experiences, currently and in the most recent 3 years, including: (A) Completion by 12 [th ] grade students in the district of at least one non-traditional learning experience ( e.g., work-based learning; dual enrollment)(B) Types of non-traditional learning experiences available(C) Access to support services, including extended learning opportunities for students who need them ( e.g., after-school and summer programs)(6) Evidence of career and college preparation and readiness, currently and in the most recent 3 years, including: (A) Participation by 11 [th ] and 12 [th ] grade students in Career Technical Education programs ("CTE") (regardless of whether an operating or tuitioning district)(B) Work-based learning accessed by CTE students (regardless of whether an operating or tuitioning district)(C) Dual enrollment participation (an operating district and, if known, a tuitioning district)(D) Early college participation (regardless of whether an operating or tuitioning district)(7) Secondary school completion, for all students in the district and disaggregated by demographics (including FRL; ELL; SpEd; and 504) and linked to the elementary school of residence ( e.g., school in which the student was enrolled immediately prior to secondary school or school in which enrolled for majority of elementary grades)(8) Current and historic data on teacher turnover, including the number of new teachers in each school in each year for the most recent 3 years(9) Current and historic data on administrator turnover, including: (A) Number of new principals in each school during the most recent 3 years(B) Number of new superintendents during the most recent 3 years(10) Professional development opportunities available 3450.9 Evidence of the current ability of each district making the proposal to independently meet or exceed the Goals concerning efficiency and fiscal accountability as required in Act 46, Sec. 9 and Sec. 2: #3 "maximize operational efficiencies through increased flexibility to manage, share, and transfer resources, with a goal of increasing the district-level ratio of students to full-time equivalent staff" in districts with fewer students per teacher / administrator / adult than is suggested in the EQS
#4 "promote transparency and accountability"
#5 provide educational opportunities "at a cost that parents, voters, and taxpayers value"
(1) Shared programmatic and other nonfinancial resources with other districts in the Region(2) Flexible management arrangements with other districts in the Region(3) Economies of scale and efficiencies with other districts in the Region - e.g.: shared human services; common payroll system; joint contract for custodial services; etc.(4) Ratios (for each grade in each school operated by each district making the proposal; both at the district-level and at the supervisory union-level):(A) Student-to-teacher -- where "teacher" is defined as any person licensed to be employable as a teacher who is employed as a teacher and is providing direct instruction to students in one or more elementary or secondary grades(B) Student-to-administrator -- where "administrator" is defined as any person employed as a superintendent, assistant superintendent, principal, assistant principal, special education director, essential early education director, or Title I coordinator(C) Student-to-adult -- where "adult" is defined as all paid personnel employed by a school district or supervisory union(5) Total education spending, currently and most recent 3-5 years(6) Education spending per equalized pupils, currently and most recent 3-5 years(7) Education spending per equalized pupils - excluding "phantom pupils," currently and most recent 3-5 years(8) Small school grants received, currently and most recent 3-5 years(9) Education spending per equalized pupils - excluding small school grants received, currently and most recent 3-5 years(10) For a district that operates grades and pays tuition for others, the increase in education spending per equalized pupil for operation and for tuition-payment(11) Trends in special education costs in the district and on an SU-wide basis and any efficiencies achieved in SU/Regional approach 3450.10 Description of Region, including (1) Identity of each district that the district making the proposal considers to be in its Region that is NOT part of the proposal ("NPD")(2) Regional relationships and transportation between the district(s) making the proposal and the identified NPD(s): (A) Current and historic relationship among the districts(B) Distances and quality of roads between the districts and between schools, if any (i) Transportation concerns, especially those related to current low equity of opportunities and/or concern about future diminishment of equity(3) Conversations between the district(s) making the proposal and the identified NPD(s) (A) [If applicable] Reasons that there were no discussions or were limited discussions with the NPD(s)(4) For each NPD identified, the barriers to including the NPD in the proposal(5) If one or more of the identified NPDs have the same operating / tuitioning structure as one or more districts making the proposal: (A) The barriers to merging the like districts(B) The empirical evidence that would enable the State Board to reach a conclusion that remaining as separate districts is the "best means of meeting" each of the Goals in the Region as it is required to do by Act 46, Sec. 8(b)3450.11 Supervisory union with "smallest number of member districts practicable" (1) If two or more districts making the proposal share the same operating / tuitioning structure for some or all grades, then explain why the districts remain as separate districts under the proposal, including: (A) The barriers to merger(B) The empirical evidence that would enable the State Board to reach a conclusion that remaining as separate districts is the "best means of meeting" each of the Goals in the Region as it is required to do by Act 46, Sec. 8(b)3450.12 Geographic isolation of a district from district(s) with the same operating / tuitioning structure, including the potential isolation of a district with low fiscal capacity or with a high percentage of students from economically deprived backgrounds (1) Isolation or potential isolation of a district making the proposal(2) Isolation or potential isolation of a district in the Region that is not included in the proposal3450.13 Ways in which the district(s) making the proposal will work with each other and/or with other districts in the Region to promote improvement in the district and throughout the Region in connection with each of the Goals as envisioned by Act 46, Sec. 9(a)(2) including: (1) To the extent that the data provided in this Rule 3450 reveals inequities and/or disparities among districts or among demographic subgroups, the ways in which the district(s) making the proposal will work to improve the inequities and/or disparities(2) Ways in which the district(s) making the proposal and other districts in the Region demonstrate that they consider themselves to be collectively responsible for the education of all prekindergarten through grade 12 students residing in the supervisory union(3) Ways in which the supervisory union operates in a manner that maximizes efficiencies through economies of scale and the flexible management, transfer, and sharing of nonfinancial resources among the member districts3450.14 Evidence that the district(s) making the proposal is/are striving for increased scale3450.15 Evidence that the proposal ensures transparency and accountability (1) For the district(s) making the proposal and for any other member districts of the supervisory union(2) For the public at large3450.16 Actions the district(s) making the proposal will take in order to continue to improve performance in connection with each of the Goals as required by Act 46, Sec. 9(a)(3)(C)3450.17 If the proposal includes a request for supervisory union assignment or reassignment, in what ways will the assignment or reassignment afford increased efficiency or greater convenience and economy and facilitate prekindergarten through grade 12 curriculum planning and coordination ?3450.18 Any other data or analysis that the district(s) wishes to include