Whereas, the Vermont Department of Agriculture, Food & Markets and the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation having found that an exotic pest, known as the pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda (L.), which is an introduced pest of pine trees, has been detected in this state and has a very limited distribution at this time; and
Whereas, a federal quarantine, 7 CFR, Ch. 111, Part 301.50, calls for the establishment of a parallel internal state quarantine; and
Whereas, it has been determined to be in the best interest of affected industries to regulate the movement of the pine shoot beetle at the county level:
Therefore, the State of Vermont is hereby establishing this interior plant quarantine regulation by the authority of 6 V.S.A., Chapter 84, Pest Survey, Detection and Management.
"Certificate" means a document in which an inspector, or person operating under a compliance agreement, affirms that a specified regulated article is free of pine shoot beetle and may be moved interstate to any destination.
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food & Markets and the Commissioner of Forests, Parks & Recreation.
"Compliance Agreement" means a written agreement between VDAF&M and a person engaged in growing, handling, or moving regulated articles, in which the person agrees to comply with the provisions of this quarantine.
"Evidence of Infestation" means the presence of a clean pine shoot beetle gallery, and/or the pine shoot beetle.
"Infestation" means the presence of the pine shoot beetle.
"Inspector" means any employee of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Vermont Department of Agriculture, Food & Markets, or Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation, authorized to enforce this quarantine.
"Interstate" means from any state into or through any other state.
"Limited Permit" means a document which an inspector, or person operating under a compliance agreement, affirms that the regulated article identified on the document is eligible for intrastate and/or interstate movement in accordance with this quarantine to a specified destination and only in accordance with specified conditions.
"Pine Nursery Stock" means all Pinus spp. woody plants, shrubs, and rooted trees, and ornamental pine, such as bonsai.
"Pine Shoot Beetle" means the insect known as pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda (Linnaeus), in any stage of development.
"Processed Pine Product" means any pine product without bark, wreaths, roping, or any other commodity designated as such by the commissioner.
"Quarantined Area" means any state, or any portion of a state, listed in 7 CFR, Ch. 111, Part 301.50, or any Vermont town listed in Section IV of this quarantine regulation.
"Receiving Facility" means any mill, incinerator, or other facility that receives a regulated article.
"Regulated Article" means any article listed under Section III of this quarantine regulation.
"State" means the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, or any state, territory, or possession of the United States.
Processed Pine Products.
Pine seedlings less than 36 inches tall with a trunk diameter of 1 inch or less at the soil line.
20-022 Code Vt. R. 20-031-022-X