20-014 Code Vt. R. 20-031-014-X

Current through August, 2024
Section 20 031 014 - FROZEN FOODS REGULATION


1. The rules and regulations which follow represent, in part, the permanent standards to be attained which shall consider the goal of uniformity with other agency rules and regulations within the state, in other states, in New England, and in national codes which regulate frozen foods.
2. These rules and regulations may, after public hearings as provided in Section 2(A), No. 196 of the Acts of 1971, be revised whenever changes are substantiated by such hearings.
3. The attainment of compliance with these permanent standards shall be made in due course of time in accordance to Section 3 corrective action of No.196 of the Acts of 1971 which states "The Commissioner may, in instances such as a first offense, make due allowance for initial corrective action, minor violation, or extenuating circumstances, and employ reinspection or other preliminary steps to secure compliance."
4. This Act and its rules and regulations are in effect as of July 1, 1972.
5. Under Section 1, Those persons "Engaged in the Business Processing or Storing Consumer Frozen Foods or Foods which have been Frozen" --shall include all commercial food establishments and certain institutional food businesses which are so engaged.
6A. Transportation
1. Equipment: vehicles shall be precooled to an air temperature of 0 [degrees] F., or lower, before loading, or other cooling methods used which are approved by the Commissioner.

Frozen food shipments shall not be accepted for transportation when the internal product temperature exceeds 0 [degrees] F.

The average product temperature of any shipment of frozen food shall be determined during loading and unloading by adequate temperature readings.

2. Handling practices for route delivery: Insulated containers shall be precooled to a temperature of 0 [degrees] F., or lower, before being loaded with frozen foods which are at 0 [degrees] F., or lower temperature.
3. Sanitary Provisions: All interior surfaces of vehicles and devices used for transporting frozen food shall be clean and free of objectionable odors before being loaded with frozen food.

Frozen food shall be securely packaged, or wrapped, in a sanitary manner before they are accepted for transportation.

6B. Warehousing
1. Equipment: Each warehouse shall be equipped with suitable mechanical refrigeration capacity to maintain, under extreme outside temperature and peak load conditions, an air temperature of 0 [degrees] F., or lower.

Each storage room and part thereof shall be maintained at an air temperature of 0 [degrees] F., or lower.

Each storage room shall be equipped with an accurate thermometer, or other temperature measuring device which is easily visible.

2. Handling Practices: The operator of a warehouse shall not accept custody of a lot or shipment of frozen food if internal product temperature exceeds 0 [degrees] F., except as provided in Section 3 corrective action of No. 196 of the Acts of 1971: Under no circumstances shall the product exceed 15 [degrees] F.

Frozen food in storage shall be placed on pallets, racks, or skids and shall be so stored as to permit free circulation of refrigerated air, as found necessary by inspection.

Frozen food shall be stored under good sanitary conditions that preclude injury and contamination from, or to other food held within the warehouse.

During the defrosting of overhead coils in storage rooms, stacks of frozen food shall be effectively protected from contamination by condensation, drip or leakage.

3. Sanitary Provisions: Floors, walls, and ceiling of a warehouse shall be maintained in a good sanitary condition.
6C. Retail
1. Equipment: Each storage facility shall be equipped with suitable mechanical refrigeration capacity to maintain, under extreme outside tempertureand peak load conditions, an air temperature of 0 [degrees] F., or lower.

Frozen foods in storage shall be on pallets, racks, or skids, and shall be stored no closer than 6 inches to the ceiling and otherwise stored so as to permit free circulation of refrigerated air.

All frozen food display cases shall be designed, constructed, and equipped with mechanical refrigeration facilities capable of maintaining an air temperature of 0 [degrees] F., or lower.

Frost on refrigerator coils and in air passages of cases shall be removed as frequently as necessary to maintain refrigeration efficiency.

Each display case shall be equipped with a thermometer, the sensing element of which shall be located in an appropriate place within the path of refrigerated air being returned to the coils.

The product load line shall be designated by a distinctive line at inside determinal ends of each display case, and such lines shall be at the highest point of discharge and return of refrigerated air.

Each display case shall be equipped with separators to provide false walls located a minimum of one-half inch from terminal ends to provide for free cir-culation of refrigerated air between said terminal ends and displayed product.

All display cases in retail outlet shall be so placed as to be relatively free of air currents resulting from door drafts, electric fans, and other factors that adversely deflect the current of refrigerated air with the display case; and of heat elements such as lights, heating units, and related devices that tend to raise the temperature of refrigerated air within the display case.

2. Handling Practices: Frozen food shall not be accepted for delivery by a retail outlet when the internal product temperature exceeds 0 [degrees] F, except as provided in Section 3 corrective action of No. 196 of the Acts of 1971: under no circumstances shall the product exceed 15 [degrees] F., unless higher temperature product delivery is requested by receiver.

All frozen food received at a retail outlet shall be immediately placed in storage facilities at 0 [degrees] F., or lower:

Each retail outlet shall be equipped with storage facilities of sufficient cubic displacement to accomodate the storage of all frozen food on hand.

Frozen food shall not be placed above the product food lines within any display case.

All frozen food in a retail outlet shall be stored, displayed under good sanitary conditions.

Retail outlets shall employ the first-in, first-out basis of inventory control.

7. Any and all variations from the Act, under Section 3 corrective action of No. 196 of the Acts of 1971, must also include proper communication and agreement with the administrator of the Act.

20-014 Code Vt. R. 20-031-014-X

Adopted, October 4, 1972