This rule is established by the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets under the authority granted the Secretary at 6 V.S.A., § 4029 "Rules; distribution; penalties', 6 V.S.A. § 4031, 'Plants taken from the wild', and 6 V.S.A., § 1(a) (10), 'General powers of agency; secretary of agriculture, food and markets'.
A permit shall be issued by the Secretary only after receipt of the completed forms and payment in full of applicable fees as established in statute at the time of application.
Ginseng collector's permits shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of issuance, from April 1 to March 31, inclusive, and Permits issued during a calendar year shall be good through the end of that calendar year, and for the two complete subsequent licensure years following (to March 31).
Persons engaging in commerce in cultivated ginseng will be considered dealers and shall apply for and receive a ginseng dealer's permit prior to submission of cultivated roots for certification under Section V.
Ginseng dealer's permits shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of issuance, from April 1 to March 31, inclusive, and Permits issued during a calendar year shall be good through the end of that calendar year, and for the two complete subsequent licensure years following (to March 31).
Under no circumstances shall the Secretary grant a permittee the right to collect underage ginseng, or collect appropriately-aged ginseng out of season for the purposes of certification and entrance into commerce. Furthermore, any wild ginseng transplanted under such permit will remain wild, by definition and practice, and cannot be subjected to horticultural practices with the intent of converting wild or wild simulated ginseng to cultivated ginseng.
Any commerce in salvaged plants remains subject to applicable international treaties, Federal and State laws, and these rules, variances notwithstanding.
Any ripe seed which is found on any collected wild ginseng at the time of collection shall be planted in the immediate locale from which the root was taken.
Collection of ginseng on State or Federal lands without a written permit issued by an appropriate authority is prohibited.
The Secretary may suspend, revoke, or refuse to grant any collector's permit for any violation of 6 V.S.A. Chapter 206, or these rules.
Foreign ginseng, brought into Vermont with intent to transplant (replant), having been certified prior to movement by the state of origin, shall not be recertified as Vermont wild ginseng after replanting and any subsequent collection. In this case, replanted ginseng may only be certified by the Secretary as cultivated.
It shall be the responsibility of the transporting party(ies) and any subsequent collectors/dealers to maintain certification traceability.
Green ginseng must be certified no later than December 31 of the year in which it was collected.
Any ginseng dealer who buys wild or cultivated ginseng in Vermont shall obtain a Ginseng Dealer's Permit from the Secretary. This permit shall be valid for a period of three years, inclusive. Application shall be made on forms provided by the Secretary.
Ail ginseng dealers shall keep records, on forms furnished by the Agency, of all commerce in ginseng. These records will include date of transaction, month collected, status of roots (green or dry, wild or cultivated), county where collected, weight of ginseng bought or sold, average age of roots, approximate number of roots per pound, collector's-permit number, and signature of collector. These records shall be kept for a period of three years and shall be made available to the Agency at the time of certification and upon request.
Ginseng dealers when dealing in Vermont ginseng shall handle only ginseng certified in accordance with of these rules.
Ginseng dealers purchasing ginseng from outside of Vermont shall be responsible for documenting compliance with these rules. Information on improprieties should be reported to the Agency immediately upon observation of the impropriety.
Ginseng dealers based outside Vermont dealing in Vermont wild ginseng shall have in their possession a valid Vermont Ginseng Dealer's Permit prior to requesting certification of their Vermont-sourced ginseng.
The Secretary may suspend, revoke, or refuse to grant any Ginseng Dealer's Permit for any violation of 6 V.S.A. Chapter 206 or these rules.
20-006 Code Vt. R. 20-031-006-X
EFFECTIVE DATE: October 17, 1984 Secretary of State Rule Log #84-15
AMENDED: December 25, 2014 Secretary of State Rule Log #14-049