Pursuant to the authority vested by 6 V.S.A. Chapter 172, the Commissioner of Agriculture hereby issues the following Regulations:
Pursuant to the authority of 6 V.S.A. Section 3030, the Commissioner declares the tracheal mite, Acarapis woodi, an internal parasite of honeybees, to be a pest which could be detrimental to the beekeeping industry in Vermont. A quarantine is hereby established against bees infested with tracheal mite.
Bee colonies, packaged bees and queen bees of the species Apis mellifera which originated in or, during the previous two years, overwintered in any state or county now or in the future under federal or state quarantine imposed for the purposes of controlling or eradicating the tracheal mite, or in any state or county in which the mite is known to have become established or is endemic.
Bees intended for shipment to locations outside of Vermont may be certified as apparently free of tracheal mite. Upon request of any beekeeper registered with the Vermont Department of Agriculture, or any other interested person, the Commissioner shall inspect and take bee samples from that person's apiary. The sampling shall be conducted in accordance with A.I.A. Resolution 7. If the apiary is found to be apparently free of tracheal mite, the Commissioner shall issue a certificate to that effect.
Nothing in this regulation shall be construed to limit any of the authority of the Commissioner under 6 V.S.A. Chapter 172 or these regulations or any other statutory or regulatory provisions.
The certificate or certificates required by Sub sections 2 or 3 of this Section shall be securely attached to the outside of the container in which the bee colonies, packaged bees or queen bees are moved or transported. Except that, in lieu of attachment to the container, the certificate or certificates may be attached to a shipping document which accompanies such shipment, provided that the regulated articles are adequately described on the shipping document or the certificates.
No person shall transport or cause to be transported within the State of Vermont any live or dead bees from any apiary in which tracheal mite is found, except upon specific orders of the Commissioner.
Appendix A Apiary Inspectors of America Resolution from 1985 Annual Meeting
Resolution # 7--Tracheal Mite Certification of Honey Bee Colonies
WHEREAS, there is a lack of uniform honey bee tracheal mite sampling requirements pertaining to interstate movement of bees from States, and
WHEREAS, variations in procedures and regulations between States would create havoc within the industry, and
WHEREAS, the American Beekeeping Federation has requested the Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA) to seek adoption of uniform certification requirements, now therefore:
BE IT RESOLVED: That the AIA requests all States to adopt the following uniform requirements for determining a tracheal-mite-free status of honey bees to be moved interstate.
20-002 Code Vt. R. 20-031-002-X