20-004 Code Vt. R. 20-022-004-X
Pursuant to Title 6, Vermont Statutes Annotated, Chapter 110, the Vermont Department of Agriculture, having complied with Section 1552 hereby promulgates the following regulations relative to brucellosis eradication; said regulations to become effective on April 1, 1962:
Herds in which brucellosis is disclosed or in which the Department of Agriculture has reason to suspect the presence of brucellosis as the result of any test, occurrence of abortions, the presence of cattle in any herd of unknown or suspect origin or other reasonable grounds shall be quarantined until such time as subsequent tests show that the infection does not exist or is no longer present in such herds.
During such quarantine, no cattle shall be moved from such herd not moved from such premise on which such herd was quarantined except cattle for immediate slaughter and then only by permit issued by the Livestock Division. Permit not required for bob calves consigned for immediate slaughter.
When brucella infection is disclosed, such premises shall be posted with at least two placards not less than 2 feet x 1 foot, one attached to the milk house, the other to the main entrance into the barn. Such placards shall state the purpose for the quarantine and any other information applicable to the quarantine. Placards shall be attached to the building and removed only by personnel approved by the Commissioner of Agriculture.
In order to qualify for indemity on cattle slaughtered because of brucellosis, the premises from which the reactors were removed must be properly cleaned and then disinfected under supervision of a State or Federal inspector within a 15 day period after reactors have been slaughtered. In an emergency, this period may be extented to not more than 30 days.
Brucellosis reactor or suspect cattle to be slaughtered within the State shall be shipped directly from the premises of origin to slaughter plants maintaining meat inopection service.
All animals consigned to any Vermont Commission Sale or auction as slaughter cattle, except bob calves, shall be ear notched at the point of the left ear. The sides of the notch shall be at least 3/4 inch long. It shall be the responsibility of the operator of such sale to notch ears at the time slaughter cattle are received at such commission sale or auction.
Such slaughter animals may be sold for other than slaughter purposes provided:
An area shall mean all the lands within the boundaries of a county. Any reference to an area shall mean county.
Additions to Certified Brucellosis-Free Areas
20-004 Code Vt. R. 20-022-004-X