20-001 Code Vt. R. 20-011-001-X

Current through August, 2024

The following Rules and Regulations are hereby established as provided for in Section 4709 of Chapter 24, Vermont Statutes, Revision of 1947 and 1953.

A. Every Apple Display - Must be marked with conspicuously placed sign on bulk display stating variety, grade, size and packer. Sales containers, containing apples such as boxes, bags, etc., must likewise be marked. Over-facing is prohibited, i.e., the top layer must be the average of the lot, and neither especially selected nor "picked over".

SAMPLE MARKING - Must be easily readable by customer at all times.

McIntosh Apples

Fancy Grade, 2 1/2 in. min.

Packed by...

B. All Advertisements and Sales Statements - Must state variety, grade and size whenever the price is mentioned or marked.


"McIntosh Apples

Utility Grade, 2 in. min.

....c per...."

C. Use Official Vermont Grade - Only one of the following grades or combination grades may be used to describe a lot of apples and any lot marked by anyone must meet the specifications of that grade. Copies of the official requirements of each grade are available at the Division of Markets, Vt. Department of Agriculture, Montpelier, Vermont. Lots which fail to pass the requirements of any of these grades may be marked "Unclassified"


Extra Fancy Grade

Fancy Grade

No. 1 Grade

No. 1 Cookers Grade

Utility Grade

Extra Fancy & Fancy Grade

Fancy & No. 1 Grade

No. 1 & Utility Grade

Hail Grade

20-001 Code Vt. R. 20-011-001-X