These Rules are adopted under the express authority of 6 V.S.A. chapter 215 subchapter 5 section 4858 and under 6 V.S.A. subchapter 1(a)(10). The Secretary is authorized to adopt rules under 3 V.S.A. chapter 25, for the implementation of the provisions of 6 V.S.A. chapter 215 subchapter 5.
Related statutes include 6 V.S.A. chapter 215 subchapter 5 sections: 4856 regarding recycling animal waste nutrients; 4857 regarding definitions; 4858 regarding animal waste permits; 4859 regarding public notice and hearings; 4860 regarding revocation and enforcement; and, 4861 regarding appeals.
These Rules establish procedures for administration, public notice and hearing, comment, enforcement, transition, revocation and appeals, as well as standards for the issuance of a Medium Farm Operation (MFO) General Permit, including conditions, procedures, and standards for the issuance of Individual Permits for MFOs as may be required under certain circumstances.
The General Permit will be designed to ensure that medium farms generating animal waste comply with Vermont's water quality standards. Unless otherwise given notice by the Agency, all medium farms in Vermont are required to operate under the coverage and conditions of the General Permit.
The MFO general permitting program is designed to achieve the purpose of 6 V.S.A. chapter 215 subchapter 5. The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets intends that these Rules will establish a process for the issuance of a General Permit that will cause a Vermont MFO operator to manage a medium farm in a manner which achieves at least an equivalent technical standard as required by federal regulations.
25-year 24-hour Rainfall Event: means the maximum 24-hour precipitation event with a probable recurrence interval of once every 25 years, as defined by the National Weather Service in Technical Paper Number 40, "Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States", May 1961 and subsequent amendments, or equivalent regional or state rainfall probability information developed therefrom.
AAPs: means the Vermont Accepted Agricultural Practice Regulations adopted pursuant to 6 V.S.A. Chapter 215.
AFO: means an animal feeding operation.
Animal Feeding Operation: means a lot or facility which has animals (other than aquatic animals) that have been, are, or will be stabled or confined and fed or maintained for a total of 45 days or more in any 12 month period, and crops, vegetation, forage growth, or post-harvest residues are not sustained in the normal growing season over any portion of the lot or facility where animals are confined.
Two or more individual farms qualifying as an AFO which are under common ownership and which adjoin each other or use a common area or system for the disposal of animal waste, shall be considered to be a single AFO if the combined number of livestock or domestic fowl resulting qualifies as a medium farm as defined herein.
Agency: means the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets.
Animal Type: means livestock or domestic fowl type.
Certified Nutrient Management Planner: means an individual certified through the completion of the USDA/NRCS nutrient management certification process who creates, reviews, and modifies NMPs.
Conservation Practice: means a specific treatment used to address specific natural resources needs and can be structural, vegetative, or land management.
Cropland: means land devoted to row crop, perennial production, or pasture production.
Dirty Water: means precipitation or other water which has moved in, over or through a barnyard, manure, or other nutrient or pathogen laden matter, so that they have become co-mingled.
Discharge: means the placing, depositing, or emission of waste directly into surface water.
Domestic Fowl: means laying-hens, broilers, ducks, and turkeys.
Existing MFO: means an AFO meeting the definition of a MFO at the time the General Permit is issued.
Groundwater: means water below the land surface in a zone of saturation, but does not include surface waters.
Land Application Area: means land under the control of an AFO owner or operator, whether it is owned, rented, or leased, to which wastes from the production area is or may be applied.
Livestock: means cattle, swine, sheep, horses, or other animal types as deemed by the Secretary.
MFO: means a Medium Farm Operation.
Medium Farm Operation: means an AFO which houses:
New MFO: means an AFO meeting the definition of a MFO after the General Permit is issued.
NRCS: means United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Nutrient Management: means managing the amount, form, placement, and timing of plant nutrient applications to obtain optimum forage and crop yields, minimize the entry of nutrients into waters of the state and groundwater, and optimize economic use of nutrients generated on and off the farm.
Nutrient Management Plan: means the system by which animal waste generation, storage, and use is handled for the purpose of obtaining optimum forage and crop yields including the relating management aspects of fertilizer nutrients, conservation practices, animal mortalities, clean water, chemical handling, waste and soil testing, and record keeping.
NMP: means nutrient management plan.
Pasture: means a confined area of perennial vegetation used for the grazing and confinement of animals.
Permit Decision: means a decision by the Secretary to issue a General Permit or permits, to issue a subsequent General Permit or permits, or to require a small farm to obtain an Individual Animal Waste Permit in order to continue in operation.
Permittee: means a person or business that has received a MFO General or Individual Permit.
Person: means:
Person Aggrieved: means a person who alleges an injury to a particularized interest where the injury is attributable to an act or decision by the Secretary under subchapter 5 of chapter 215 of title 6 and the injury can be redressed by the environmental court or the Supreme Court.
Production Area: means those parts of a MFO that includes the animal confinement area, the manure storage area, the raw materials storage area, and the waste containment areas. Also included in the definition of production area is any egg washing or egg processing facility, and any area used in the storage, handling, treatment, or disposal of mortalities.
Ruling: means a determination by the Secretary, after notice and an opportunity to be heard by a medium farm, that a medium farm is required to apply for and to obtain an Individual Animal Waste Permit in order to continue in operation, or a determination by the Secretary to deny an application by a medium farm for coverage under an Individual Animal Waste Permit.
Secretary: means the Secretary of the Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets.
Small Farm Operation: means an AFO which houses no more than 199 mature dairy animals, 299 youngstock or heifers, 299 cattle or cow/calf pairs, 749 swine weighing over 55 pounds, 2,999 swine weighing less than 55 pounds, 149 horses, 2,999 sheep or lambs, 16,499 turkeys, 8,999 laying hens or broilers with a liquid manure handling system, 24,999 laying hens without a liquid manure handling system, 37,499 chickens other than laying hens without a liquid manure handling system, or 9,999 ducks without a liquid manure handling system.
Vermont Water Quality Standards: means the standards and criteria adopted by the Vermont Water Resources Board, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 47 section 1252(e).
Waste: means, for the purposes of these Rules, spoiled feed, manure, milkhouse waste, washwater, leachate, used bedding, carcasses, barnyard runoff, or other dirty water.
Waste Management System: means an on-farm waste management program and conservation practices which include, but are not limited to, a combination of:
Waste Storage Facility: means an impoundment made for the purpose of storing agricultural waste by constructing an embankment, excavating a pit or dugout, fabricating an in-ground or above-ground structure, or any combination thereof.
Waters of the State: means, for the purpose of these Rules, all rivers, streams, creeks, brooks, reservoirs, ponds, lakes, springs, and all bodies of surface waters, artificial or natural, which are contained within, flow through or border the State or any portion of it.
Suspension of the requirements to design, construct or modify a waste storage facility does not relieve an owner or operator of a farm subject to the Medium Farm Operations Permitting Program from the remaining requirements of the MFO Program.
Appendix A: Notice of Intent to Comply
Appendix B: Notice of Termination
Appendix C: Incident Report
Appendix D: Annual Compliance Report
Appendix E: Notice of Transfer of Operation/Ownership
Appendix F: Nutrient Management Report Form6 V.S.A. Chapter 215, Subchapter 5, Section 4858(b) and 6 V.S.A. Subchapter 1(a) (10)
20-012 Code Vt. R. 20-010-012-X