These rules implement the Dog, Cat and Wolf-Hybrid Spaying and Neutering Program of the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets. The program and these rules are authorized by Title 20 VSA Chapter 193 Subchapter 6.
The purpose of this program is to reduce the population of unwanted companion animals by assisting low income Vermonters with certain veterinary costs associated with the permanent sexual sterilization of their companion animals through spaying and neutering. This is a discretionary public benefit program with limited funding.
For purposes of these rules, the following definitions apply:
This program is open to any Vermont resident who owns a companion animal acquired for no compensation or for a nominal fee of no more than $ 75.00 and who is income eligible as set forth in these rules.
The owner of a companion animal who has a household income at or below 185% of the federal poverty limit, as demonstrated by participation in a state or federal public benefit program with the same or more stringent income eligibility guidelines, is income eligible. A participant in the Vermont Department of Health's WIC Program is also income eligible.
A pet owner utilizing the program is required to provide a co-payment in the minimum amount of $ 25.00 per companion animal.
Pet owners who meet the program eligibility requirements are encouraged to seek vouchers for all non-sterilized companion animals in the household that qualify for VSNIP. The Agency, in its discretion, may limit the number of vouchers issued to an income eligible pet owner that has multiple non-sterilized companion animals.
Pet owners must apply for and be determined eligible to receive a voucher for sterilization and immunization as described in these rules. The pet owner shall provide certification of income eligibility in the manner and form prescribed by the Agency. The Agency may require documentary verification of eligibility, including residency. The pet owner's full name must appear on the verifying document.
Applicants and pet owners may be subject to the criminal sanctions of 13 V.S.A. § 3016 for false, misleading, or untrue representations in the application process or use of a voucher.
Total reimbursement amounts for vouchers submitted by participating veterinarians during each reimbursement period shall be determined as follows:
Cities and towns shall forward the yearly animal population control fees collected in conjunction with the dog licensing fees to the Treasurer no later than May 15 [th ] of each year. Checks should be made payable to "Treasurer, State of VT."
20-011 Code Vt. R. 20-010-011-X
EFFECTIVE DATE: June 6, 2005 Secretary of State Rule Log #05-12
AMENDED: September 2, 2008 Secretary of State Rule Log #08-033; July 1, 2010 Secretary of State Rule Log #10-008