PREFACE Supplemental Guide Signs on limited access facilities shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Signs and Devices adopted under Title 23 V.S.A. Section 1025, and shall follow the American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials' (AASHTO) "Guidelines for the Selection of Supplemental Guide Signs for Traffic Generators Adjacent to Freeways" as closely as possible.
Only one supplemental guide sign may be on each interchange approach, unless a greater number is permitted by law. If used, it is normally installed as an independent guide assembly and shall contain no more than two names each, unless a greater number is permitted by law.
Pursuant to Title 10 V.S.A. Section 494(13), the Travel Information Council hereby establishes the following criteria and priorities for the selection of facilities to be named on "Supplemental Guide Signs" on limited access highways, and establishes the process by which sign applications are reviewed and approved.
Priority No.
Priority No.
Priority No.
Where two or more eligible facilities compete for the same space, the Travel Information Council shall approve a facility after considering the following factors:
- one facility has a greater number of annual visitors than the other facility;
- the removal of the name of a facility from an existing sign would tend to cause confusion to the traveling public as to the continued existence of that facility;
- one of the facilities is difficult to locate;
- whether one facility better serves as a drawing attraction to an area;
- a facility is eligible under more than one of the following categories; nonprofit museum, nonprofit diploma granting educational institution for the language delayed, post-secondary educational institution, major tourist attraction, or point of scenic, historic, cultural, agricultural or religious interest.
A visitor is defined as a non-habitual user of an eligible facility or person not familiar with the area. This definition excludes, but the exclusion is not limited to:
- full-time/part-time employees and volunteers;
- regular delivery or service persons;
- habitual users of an eligible facility or persons familiar with the area who are members, season pass-holders, or students of the applicant/facility; and
- customers who solely use a facility's restaurant or retail establishment.
Facilities will outline in their application the method used to determine the number of visitors. The Travel Information Council shall approve the method used to count visitors. All visitor counts shall be subject to verification.
Once the name of a facility is placed upon a supplemental guide sign, it shall not be removed for a period of five years from the date of final acceptance by the Agency of Transportation of the contract providing for the fabrication and installation of such signs except as provided in this section. The name of an approved facility may be removed for the following reasons:
14-016 Code Vt. R. 14-054-016-X
AMENDED: September 15, 1995 (Secretary of State Rule Log # 95-52)
AUTHORITY: 10 V.S.A. § 494