e. Pursuant to Title 10 V.S.A. Section 499(c), the following procedure is established whereby all official business directional signs previously approved as hardship exceptions to Section a, sub sections 1, 2 or 3 will be reviewed periodically for conformance with current policies and regulations, and those found to be nonconforming will be removed at the end of their current license year. On or before March 1 of each year, the Sign Control Section and the Travel Information Council district committees will review approximately one-third of all official business directional signs and determine which appear to be non-conforming with present policies and regulations of the Travel Information Council and the Traffic Safety Regulations adopted pursuant to Title 10 V.S.A. Section 490. They will submit recommendations to the Travel Information Council as to which official business directional signs are non-conforming. The Council will determine which signs are non-conforming and will so advise the applicant/business by letter. The letter will notify the applicant/business of its opportunity to petition the Travel Information Council for review of the determination of non-conformance. If the applicant/business so petitions within 30 days of the date of the letter, an appeal hearing will be scheduled. If the applicant/business is able to prove that there is sufficient hardship on which to base continued approval of the official business directional sign as a hardship exception to this rule, the Council may vote to renew the license for one more year or until the next scheduled review. If the applicant/business is not able to show that there is sufficient justification on which to approve the hardship exception, the Council may vote not to renew the license, in which case the sign will be removed at the end of the current licensing year. The applicant/business has the right to judicial review of the Council's decision under Title 10 V.S.A. Section 484(d).