14-002 Code Vt. R. 14-020-002-X

Current through August, 2024
Section 14 020 002 - BICYCLE REGULATIONS
1. Route, path or lane signs shall be posted at the beginning and ending of the route, path or lane and in intermediate locations where deemed necessary. Signs shall be in conformance with the standards set forth in the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
2. Pavement markings shall be as described in Section 3B-18 of the MUTCD.
3. Construction of bicycle paths shall conform to Highway Department Standard A-77 to permit safe two-way bicycle traffic.
4. A barrier must be provided or an open space left between the separate bicycle path and the highway to avoid conflicts between bicycles and motor vehicles.
5. Bicycle paths should be constructed wherever the traffic on the highway is at least 2000 vehicles per day and the bicycle traffic is at least 200 bicycles per day.
1. Control, policing and maintenance of bicycle routes within the boundaries of incorporated cities or villages shall be the responsibility of the local legislative body.
2. Local legislative bodies and the Regional Planning Commissions should recommend and request construction and/or designation of bicycle paths and lanes to the appropriate District Highway Engineer for his consideration and recommendation to the Commissioner of Highways for construction and/or designation.
3. The Vermont Traffic Committee shall have the authority to open and close bicycle paths to traffic in the same manner as State highways in accordance with 23 V.S.A. § 1006a and any rules and regulations adopted thereunder.
1. All new highway projects with no control of access which provide a shoulder at least eight (8) feet wide shall provide for optimum utilization of the shoulder by bicycles.
2. Bicycle paths need only be constructed on one side of a highway. Bicycle paths shall be constructed so as to minimize the necessity for crossing the highway in order to stay on the path.
3. Motorized vehicles shall be prohibited from use of bicycle paths except for maintenance or patrol.
4. Existing wide shoulders will be given priority for designation as a bicycle lane and for signing and marking.
1. Bicyclists, when mounted on their bicycles, shall adhere to all motor vehicle rules of the road except those which by their very nature can have no application, as well as to the provisions of 23 V.S.A,, Chapter 13, Subchapter 12.
2. Bicyclists must ride in the same direction as motor vehicle traffic on designated bicycle lanes.

As used in these regulations:

1. "Bicycle" means every pedal-driven device propelled by human power having two or more wheels on which a person may ride, including a so-called pedal vehicle which may have an enclosed cab.
2. "Bicycle route" means any lane, way or path, designated by appropriate signs, that explicitly provides for bicycle travel.
3. "Bicycle lane" means a portion of a roadway which has been designated for the preferential or exclusive use of bicycles. It is distinguished from the portion of the roadway for motor vehicular traffic by a paint stripe or similar device. Improved road shoulders are considered a bicycle lane.
4. "Bicycle path" means a separate trail or path which is for the exclusive use of bicycles. Where a trail or path forms a part of a highway, it is separated from the roadway for motor vehicular traffic by an open space or barrier.

14-002 Code Vt. R. 14-020-002-X

Effective Date: June 11, 1976