Current through August, 2024
Section 14 020 001 - RULES AND REGULATIONS ON BETTERMENT PROJECTSRules and Regulations on Betterment Projects
8.1 The purpose of this rule is to set out criteria t [to] be used by the Agency of Transportation to select small betterment projects as provided in § 6 of Act No. 186 of the adjourned session of the 1985 Legislature. The intent of the program is to correct spot deficiencies generally not listed on the Five Year Transportation Construction Program by allocating monies for the construction of small betterment projects generally costing less than $ 100,000 each. 8.2. Chief Engineer is the Director of Engineering an Construction for the Agency of Transportation.8.3. Projects will be nominated by the District Transportation Administrators through the Director of Maintenance. Each district will forward its three highest priority projects annually. Submittal shall include a description of the proposed improvement and the estimated cost. Projects may be on either the state or town system where preference shall be given to projects on the Class I and numbered Class II town highways.8.4. Proposed projects will be reviewed by the Planning Division of the Agency and a list of candidate projects will be compiled using the following criteria as guide: a. Geographical distribution of projects, including prior years' projects;b. cost estimates - preference given to projects costing less than $ 100,000;c. traffic volumes on selected highway;d. accident record on selected highway;e. hazard or problem eliminated - does work eliminate a need for a bigger project in the near future?8.5. The list of candidates will be reviewed by the Chief Engineer. The Agency will be free to select projects from anywhere on list of candidate projects and is not limited to the order in which projects are listed. All projects must have plans or sketches approved by the Chief Engineer detailing the work to be accomplished prior to construction.
8.6. The final list of projects prepared by the Chief Engineer must be approved by the Secretary of the Agency.8.7. While neither major surveys, major design efforts, substantial right-of-way acquisitions and multiple permits should be necessary for these betterment projects, these requirements are not waived and if compliance is applicable, they are required.14-001 Code Vt. R. 14-020-001-X
Effective Date: October 2, 1986 (SOS Rule Log #86-56)