Current through August, 2024
The Transportation Board adopts a new rule called Procedures for Award of Grants for Retreatment or Reconstruction of Class 2 Highways and numbered 118-6 to read as follow:
1) Applications supplied by the Agency of Transportation (Form TA 62) prior to October 1, shall be completed by the towns and submitted to the District Transportation Office on or before November 15.2) Following review and recommendation by the District Transportation Administrator, applications will be forwarded to the Maintenance Division for review by the Director of Maintenance and Chief of Financial Management.3) All towns may apply for a grant annually, however, the first category for grant awards shall include all applicants who did not receive a grant for the previous year. If the funding required for such applications is less than the total amount available in the reserve fund, applications will be considered as a second category from those towns which received grants for the previous year. Priority in the second category shall be given to those towns demonstrating greatest need including those with large Class 2 mileages. Consideration will also be given to the sufficiency rating, traffic volumes, and accident record of the highways involved.4) Contingent on the availability of funds, applications may be accepted after November 15 for processing in accordance with these procedures.5) Under authority delegated by the Transportation Board, the Secretary shall approve the award of grants prior to January 15, with the submission of the list of grant awards to the Transportation Board.6) Grant funds must be used for the retreatment of paved, Class 2 highways or for the reconstruction of Class 2 highways. New construction need not include paving but must result in an improved highway meeting Class 2 standards for width, drainage, depth of subbase and gravel surface. Approved applications may be modified with prior, written permission of the District Transportation Administrator, provided the modification conforms to the requirements of Section 17, Title 19, V.S.A. and these procedures.7) Grants will expire at the end of the designated fiscal year. An extension, for a maximum of six months, may be granted by the District Transportation Administrator with the approval of the Director of Maintenance.8) Reimbursement funds will become available on July 1. Work may commence prior to this date but claims will not be paid until after July 1. All reimbursement claims shall be processed for payment during the fiscal year for which the grant is awarded.9) The towns will submit weekly expenditure reports (Form HD 66 or its equivalent) covering the total costs of approved projects to the District Transportation Administrator. After approval of the claims by the Agency of Transportation, the town will be reimbursed for two-thirds of the eligible costs, not to exceed $ 4,000.10) Generally the grants will be made for the maximum $ 4,000 State funds, $ 2,000 local funds. (It is not expected that those municipalities with low Class 2 mileages will apply every other year as most will not be able to demonstrate a need for retreatment or construction this frequently.)14-006 Code Vt. R. 14-010-006-X
Effective Date: July 1, 1979 (SOS Rule Log #79-54)