This rule is adopted pursuant to 18 V.S.A. § 1247.
The purpose of this rule is to set forth the requirements for the testing and remediation of lead in the drinking water of schools and child care facilities in Vermont.
Following 30 seconds of flushing after first draw samples are collected.
* the scheduled sampling;
* the requirements for testing;
* why testing is required;
* the potential health effects from exposure to lead in drinking water;
* information provided by the Department, regarding sources of lead exposure other than drinking water;
* information regarding how the responsible entity shall provide notice of the sample results; and
* how the responsible entity shall remediate sample results that are at or above the action level.
Remediation Plans shall be submitted by the responsible entity to the Department via the result website within six months of receipt of laboratory results.
Testing entities shall sample in accordance with the following schedule:
* Once every three (3) years, the child care provider shall complete water testing. Child care facilities located within or operated by schools shall comply with the schools testing schedule.
* Group A - By June 30, 2024, every three years thereafter
* Group B - By December 31, 2024, every three years thereafter
* Group C - By June 30, 2025, every three years thereafter
Under 18 V.S.A. Chapter 24A and 18 V.S.A. § 104, if the Department has reasonable grounds to believe that there is a potential harm to public health, the Department may require responsible entities to retest outlets or provide additional evidence of effective remediation.
13-085 Code Vt. R. 13-140-085-X
September 1, 2020 Secretary of State Rule Log #20-034
18 V.S.A. § 1247