For the purpose of these regulations the terms defined in this section have the following meanings ascribed to them:
Within 90 days of the effective date of these regulations, and annually thereafter, the owner or operator of all marinas as defined by rule 1(e) above located on Lake Champlain or its navigable tributaries shall provide in writing, on forms made available by the Board, the following information:
In accordance with the provisions of 10 V.S.A., section 1424, the Board may designate areas of Lake Champlain or its navigable tributaries within which the mooring of boats shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions set forth below.
Upon receipt of a petition filed in accordance with the provisions of this rule (see c below) by not less than 10 freemen or an organization with not less than 25 members or the legislative body of a municipality, or upon its own motion, the Board shall hold a public hearing to consider the designation of a Mooring Management Zone.
Petitions to establish a new Mooring Management Zone or to change the configuration of an existing Mooring Management Zone shall include the following information:
A public hearing to consider the designation of a Mooring Management Zone shall be held at a location convenient to the waters affected following not less than 15 days public notice. Public notice shall be provided by publication of a legal notice in a newspaper generally circulating the area affected and by mailing a copy of the legal notice to the Town Clerk, Town Board of Selectmen, Town Planning Commission and Regional Planning Commission adjacent to the waters affected and to the Secretary of the Agency of Environmental Conservation.
In considering whether to establish or modify a Mooring Management Zone, the Board shall determine whether or not such action is in the public interest and shall consider the following criteria:
Upon an affirmative determination by the Board that the establishment or modification of a Mooring Management Zone is in the public interest, it shall promulgate a rule which provides for the following:
Any changes to the boundaries of an existing Mooring Management Zone shall be subject to the notice requirements set forth in rule 3(d) above. A public hearing on such changes may be held by the Board on its own motion and shall be required if requested within the notice period by a petition signed by 10 freemen, the legislative body of a municipality or by an organization with 25 or more members.
In accordance with the provisions of 10 V.S.A., section 1424(f), the Board may delegate its authority to regulate the mooring of boats within a designated Mooring Management Zone to one or more municipalities located adjacent to the public waters affected.
Upon receipt of a petition filed in accordance with the provisions of rule 4(c) below by the legislative body of one or more municipalities located adjacent to any proposed or designated Mooring Management Zone, the Board shall hold a public hearing to consider whether to delegate its authority to regulate the mooring of boats under the provisions of 10 V.S.A., section 1424(f).
Petitions for a delegation of authority shall include the following:
Notice of a public hearing to consider a petition for the delegation of Board authority to one or more municipalities located adjacent to any designated or proposed Mooring Management Zone shall be provided in accordance with rule 3(d). At its discretion, the Board may jointly consider petitions for the designation of Mooring Management Zones and for the delegation of its authority to regulate the mooring of boats within such waters.
In considering whether to delegate its authority within any proposed or existing Mooring Management Zone, the Water Resources Board shall consider whether or not such delegation of its authority is in the public interest and shall consider:
Municipalities seeking a delegation of authority from the Water Resources Board under the provisions of 10 V.S.A., section 1424(f) must enact a bylaw or ordinance in accordance with the applicable provisions of 24 V.S.A., Chapter 59. Such bylaws or ordinances may provide for:
Local bylaws or ordinances providing for the regulation of the establishment of boat mooring facilities under delegation of authority by the Water Resources Board must be adopted in conformance with 24 V.S.A., Chapter 59 an [and] must provide for the following:
The local legislative body may amend its bylaws from time to time provided that such amendments are in accordance with the provisions of 29 V.S.A., Chapter 59 and that:
Where a municipality seeks to alter the boundaries of a Mooring Management Zone or the activities which are regulated, it shall file such a request with the Water Resources Board.
Where a municipality seeks to amend its bylaws solely to alter local administrative procedures, it shall file a copy of proposed amendments with the Water Resources Board and such other parties as the Board may direct. The Board shall have 30 days within which to object to the proposed amendments or to schedule a hearing to receive public comment. Such action shall stay the effectiveness of any such bylaw amendment.
12-030 Code Vt. R. 12-030-030-X
EFFECTIVE DATE: September 3, 1980 Secretary of State Rule Log #80-86
AMENDED: May 2015 [Renumbered from 12 004 015 pursuant to Section 26 of Act No. 138 of 2012]