SUBCHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROGRAM PROVISIONS 101 PURPOSE (a) The purpose of this Rule is to reduce the adverse effects of stormwater runoff, enhance the management of stormwater runoff to ensure compliance with the Vermont Water Quality Standards and the federal Clean Water Act (CWA), and maintain after development, as nearly as possible, predevelopment stormwater runoff characteristics.(b) This Rule complies with the minimum requirements for stormwater permits issued by the State of Vermont as the approved authority to administer a permit program consistent with the federal National Pollution Discharge Elimination System. All permits issued under this Rule shall be issued pursuant to the State's approved authority.(c) This Rule: (1) Includes standards, best management practices, and permitting requirements for the management of stormwater runoff from construction sites and other land disturbing activities;(2) Includes technical standards, best management practices, and permitting requirements for the management of post-construction regulated stormwater runoff from existing development, new development, and redevelopment;(3) Includes all permitting requirements necessary for the State to meet its obligations as the authority delegated to administer a permit program consistent with the federal National Pollution Discharge Elimination System;(4) Specifies minimum requirements for monitoring, inspection, maintenance, and reporting;(5) Provides for the issuance of individual and general permits;(6) Specifies permit application requirements;(7) Allows municipalities to assume the full legal responsibility for stormwater systems permitted under this Rule as a part of a permit issued by the Secretary;(8) Includes standards with respect to the use of offsets and stormwater impact fees.(9) Requires certifications of compliance by licensed professional engineers practicing within the scope of their engineering specialty to satisfy certain permit requirements; and(10) Establishes criteria for the use of the basin planning process to establish watershed-specific priorities for the management of stormwater runoff.102 AUTHORITY This Rule is adopted pursuant to the Vermont Water Pollution Control Statute, 10 V.S.A. Chapter 47, in particular §§ 1251a(a), 1258(b), and 1264(f).
103 POLICY (a) The management of stormwater runoff differs from the management of sanitary and industrial wastes because of the differences and variations in the characteristics of stormwater runoff and sanitary and industrial wastes, the influence of natural events on stormwater runoff, and the increased stream flows and natural degradation of the receiving water quality at the time stormwater runoff may enter a receiving water.(b) Permits issued pursuant to this Rule shall require compliance with applicable standards and effluent limitations, which may be expressed as best management practices, proper operation and maintenance of best management practices, and monitoring and reporting, as necessary, to ensure compliance with the Vermont Water Quality Standards.104 EFFECT As of the effective date of this Rule, this Rule supersedes the Vermont Water Pollution Control Permit Regulations (Environmental Protection Rule, Chapter 13, as amended) for purposes of stormwater permitting, including the public notice and comment provisions applicable to stormwater permitting.
105 GENERAL EXEMPTIONS(a) No permit is required under this Rule for: (1) Stormwater runoff from farms in compliance with agricultural practices adopted by the Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets, provided that this exemption shall not apply to construction stormwater permits required under Section 22-107(b)(6) (applicability; permit required);(2) Stormwater runoff from accepted silvicultural practices, as defined by the Commissioner of Forests, Parks and Recreation, including practices which are in compliance with the Acceptable Management Practices for Maintaining Water Quality on Logging Jobs in Vermont, as adopted by the Commissioner of Forests, Parks and Recreation;(3) Stormwater runoff permitted under 10 V.S.A. § 1263 as part of a permit for the discharge of sanitary or industrial wastes;(4) Stormwater runoff from dams and the portion of a bridge superstructure that spans the ordinary high water mark of a water. For the purposes of this subsection, a "dam" shall have the meaning set forth in 10 V.S.A. § 1080(6); and(5) Stormwater runoff requiring permit coverage under Section 22-107(b)(2) (applicability; permit required) provided one of the following transition exemptions applies: (A) Except for applications for permits issued pursuant to Section 22-107(b)(6), complete applications for all local, State, and federal permits related to the regulation of land use or a discharge to waters of the State have been submitted as of July 1, 2022, the applicant does not subsequently file an application for a permit amendment that would have an adverse impact on water quality, and substantial construction of the project commences within two years from July 1, 2022;(B) Except for permits issued pursuant to Section 22-107(b)(6), all local, State, and federal permits related to the regulation of land use or a discharge to waters of the State have been obtained as of July 1, 2022, and substantial construction of the project commences within two years from July 1, 2022;(C) Except for permits issued pursuant to Section 22-107(b)(6), no local, State, or federal permits related to the regulation of land use or a discharge to waters of the State are required, and substantial construction of the project commences within two years from July 1, 2022; or,(D) The construction, redevelopment, or expansion is a public transportation project, and as of July 1, 2022, the Agency of Transportation or the municipality principally responsible for the project has initiated right-of-way valuation activities or determined that right-of-way acquisition is not necessary, and substantial construction of the project commences within five years from July 1, 2022.(b) Impervious surfaces not requiring permit coverage under subsections (a)(1), (2), or (4) of this section shall not be counted towards the total resulting impervious surface for purposes of permitting under this Rule.106 GENERAL PROHIBITIONS No permit shall be issued:
(1) When the conditions of the permit do not provide for compliance with the applicable requirements of the CWA and applicable regulations promulgated thereunder, and this Rule;(2) When the Regional Administrator has objected to the issuance of the permit under 40 C.F.R. § 123.44;(3) When the imposition of conditions cannot ensure compliance with the applicable water quality requirements of all affected States;(4) When, in the judgment of the Secretary, anchorage and navigation in or on any waters would be substantially impaired by the discharge;(5) For the discharge of any radiological, chemical, or biological warfare agent or high-level radioactive waste;(6) For any discharge inconsistent with a plan or plan amendment approved under section 208(b) of the CWA;(7) To a new source or a new discharger, if the discharge from its construction or operation will cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards.107 APPLICABILITY; PERMIT REQUIRED; DESIGNATION(a) This Rule applies to stormwater runoff and establishes the permitting requirements for the management and control of stormwater runoff.(b) A permit is required under this Rule for the following: (1) To commence the development or redevelopment of one or more acres of impervious surface;(2) Effective July 1, 2022, to commence the development or redevelopment of one half acre or more acres of impervious surface;(3) To commence the expansion of existing impervious surface by more than 5,000 square feet, such that the total resulting impervious surface is equal to or greater than one acre;(4) In accordance with the schedule established under the three-acre general permit issued pursuant to this Rule, a discharge of regulated stormwater runoff from impervious surface of three or more acres, which was never previously permitted or was permitted under an individual permit or general permit that did not incorporate the requirements of the 2002 Stormwater Management Manual or any subsequently adopted Stormwater Management Manual. If any portion of an impervious surface of three or more acres in size was not permitted or was permitted under an individual permit or general permit that did not incorporate the requirements of the 2002 Stormwater Management Manual or any subsequently adopted Stormwater Management Manual, the entire site shall be subject to the requirements of the three-acre general permit;(5) In accordance with the schedule established under the municipal roads general permit issued pursuant to this Rule, a municipality's discharge of regulated stormwater runoff from a municipal road. For purposes of this subdivision "municipality" means a city, town, or village;(6) To commence a project that will result in an earth disturbance of one acre or greater, or less than one acre if part of a common plan of development that will result in earth disturbance of one acre or greater in total;(7) Stormwater discharge associated with industrial activity; and(8) A discharge of stormwater runoff from a designated municipal separate storm sewer system.(c)(1) Permit required by designation. (A) The Secretary shall require a permit under this Rule for a discharge of stormwater runoff from any size of impervious surface upon a determination by the Secretary that the treatment of the discharge of stormwater runoff is necessary to reduce the adverse impacts to water quality of the discharge of stormwater runoff taking into consideration any of the following factors: the size of the impervious surface, drainage patterns, hydraulic connectivity, existing stormwater treatment, stormwater controls necessary to implement the waste load allocation of a TMDL, or other factors. The Secretary may make this determination on a case-by-case basis or according to classes of activities, classes of runoff, or classes of discharge. The Secretary may make a determination under this subdivision based on activities, runoff, discharges, or other information identified during the basin planning process.(B) A permit is required under this Rule if, pursuant to 40 C.F.R. § 122.26(a)(9)(i)(C) or (D), the EPA Regional Administrator or the Secretary determines that permit coverage is necessary.(2) A permit application shall be submitted to the Secretary within 180 days of designation, unless the Secretary specifies a later date.108 PHASED DEVELOPMENT AND CIRCUMVENTION (a) If the development, redevelopment, or expansion of impervious surface or a proposed earth disturbance does not meet the permit thresholds under Section 22-107 (applicability; permit required), but is part of a common plan of development that will meet such thresholds, then permit coverage for each phase is required. If the Secretary determines that a municipal or state transportation project has independent utility from adjoining and adjacent impervious surfaces and the project does not trigger subsection (b) of this section, such project shall not be considered part of a common plan of development.(b) If the Secretary determines that a person has separated a single project into components in order to avoid the regulatory minimum threshold or other requirements of this Rule, the person shall be required to submit a permit application for the component parts.(c) This section does not apply to the types of scattered or non-contiguous projects that are set forth as planned development in long-range transportation plans, regional plans, municipal plans, or housing authority plans.109 MUNICIPALITIES AND STORMWATER UTILITIES THAT HAVE ASSUMED FULL LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR SPECIFIC IMPERVIOUS SURFACE If a municipality or stormwater utility has assumed full legal responsibility for the discharge of stormwater runoff from an impervious surface and has permit coverage for such impervious surface pursuant to a permit issued under this Rule, the requirements for permit coverage under Sections 22-107(b)(1), (2), (3), and (4) (applicability; permit required; operational permits) shall be satisfied. For purposes of this Rule, "full legal responsibility" means legal control of the stormwater system, including a legal right to access the stormwater system, a legal duty to properly maintain the stormwater system, and a legal duty to repair and replace the stormwater system when it no longer adequately protects waters of the State.
110 EFFECT OF A PERMIT Except for any toxic effluent standards and prohibitions imposed under section 307 of the CWA, compliance with a permit during its term constitutes compliance, for purposes of enforcement, with sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the CWA and with the subsection of 10 V.S.A. § 1264(c) pursuant to which such permit was issued. However, a permit may be amended, revoked and reissued, or terminated during its term for cause as set forth in Section 22-310 (amendment, revocation and reissuance, and termination of permits).
111 BASIN PLANNING AND THE MANAGEMENT OF STORMWATER RUNOFF (a) The Secretary shall consider information from basin plans prior to the issuance of individual and general permits, prior to adoption of technical standards including the Vermont Stormwater Management Manual, and during any future revision of this Rule, to establish watershed-specific priorities that ensure that expected pollutant load reductions are consistent with any waste load allocation for developed lands in a TMDL, and to ensure consistency with the Vermont Water Quality Standards.(b) Each basin plan issued after adoption of this Rule shall include an assessment of the following criteria, which the Secretary shall consider in establishing watershed-specific priorities for the management of stormwater runoff: (1) Whether the waste load allocation for developed lands in any applicable TMDL is estimated to be met through existing regulatory programs; and(2) Whether additional stormwater-related pollutant reductions are needed from developed lands to achieve a waste load allocation or to meet the Vermont Water Quality Standards.112 GROUNDWATER PROTECTION RULE AND STRATEGY Stormwater that infiltrates to groundwater shall comply with the Vermont Groundwater Protection Rule and Strategy