Pursuant to 23 V.S.A. § 3506(b)(4), the use of all-terrain vehicles is prohibited on any public land, body of public water, or natural area unless the Secretary has designated the area for use by all-terrain vehicles. The purpose of these rules is to permit the use of all-terrain vehicles on ice-covered bodies of public water as described in these rules. Operation on all public lands and unfrozen bodies of public water is prohibited.
Amity Pond Natural Area, Winds or County
Levi Pond, Caledonia County
Marsh Pond, Rutland County
Waterbury Reservoir, Washington County
Bear Pond, Lamoille County *
Sterling Pond, Lamoille County *
Lake of the Clouds, Lamoille County *
Berlin Pond, Washington County
* Mt. Mansfield Natural Area
All public lands and public waters shall be open:
12-017 Code Vt. R. 12-030-017-X
EFFECTIVE DATE: February 4, 1986 Secretary of State Rule Log #86-003
AMENDED: November 1, 2016 Secretary of State Rule Log #16-045