Action 1. A new rule is added to read:
A new rule is added to read:
The Fish and Game Board may, when felt necessary, establish waterfowl retrieval zones on public or private lands adjacent to state owned and operated waterfowl refuge areas or controlled hunting areas. Such retrieval zones must be individually reviewed and approved by the Fish and Game Board and must meet the following criteria:
"Waterfowl Retrieval Zone, Firearms Prohibitod In This Area, Dead or Crippled Waterfowl may be retrieved in the zone between this line and the posted refuge or controlled hunting boundary only by a person without a firearm, Regulation No. 918, Vermont Fish and Game Department."
12-040 Code Vt. R. 12-010-040-X
Statutory Authority: Title 10 V.S.A. § 4082 & § 4084