All commercial dealers in Vermont, including, but not limited to pet shop owners, persons raising frogs for sale as institutional experimental animals, and all persons who import, export, and/or sell wild birds and animals must first obtain a valid Dealer's Permit from the department.
Except as provided herein, the Commissioner shall not issue a permit for the keeping or possession of any wild animal in captivity, except for bona fide scientific or educational purposes as permitted by (Title 10 V.S.A. § 4152) .
For purposes other than importation and possession for bona fide research and educational purposes, the Commissioner shall not issue a permit unless it has been determined that the wild animal or wildlife proposed to be brought into or possessed in the state does not conflict with the purpose of this regulation. The Commissioner shall establish a list of Unrestricted Wild Animals that do not conflict with the purpose of this regulation, are commonly sold in the pet trade, and do not require an Importation and Possession Permit from the Department.
The Unrestricted Wild Animals List will consist of those species that are determined to be no threat to the state's native wildlife, minimal threat to human health and safety, and suitable as pets for the residents of the state. This list is expected to be revised periodically by the Commissioner depending on recent pet trade trends, disease, and health issues. The list shall be posted on the department web site and made available at the department's central and district offices.
In accordance with Title 10 V.S.A. § 4152, the Commissioner may issue permits to collect birds, their nests and eggs and wild animals, or their parts thereof, for public scientific research, educational purposes, art, or photography.
Any person who collects any wild animal within the boundaries of the state of Vermont and sells said wild animal must obtain a Commercial Collection Permit from the department.
Any person importing or possessing any wild animal for the purposes of temporary exhibition must obtain from the Commissioner a permit to do so; unless the species is listed as a Domestic Bird or Animal, Domestic Pet, or Unrestricted Wild Animal.
Any person breeding and propagating wild birds and animals in accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 5207 must obtain from the Commissioner a license to do so; unless the species is listed as a Domestic Bird or Animal, Domestic Pet, or Unrestricted Wild Animal.
12-021 Code Vt. R. 12-010-021-X
October 31, 1978 Secretary of State Rule Log #78-110
January 24, 2008 Secretary of State Rule Log #08-001
Statutory Authority: 10 V.S.A. §§ 4081, 4152, 4709