12-014 Code Vt. R. 12-010-014-X

Current through August, 2024


1. Baited Hook - A single shank hook with 1, 2 or 3 points which may be baited with natural or artificial bait or both.
2. Lure - A man made device designed to catch only 1 fish at a time, to include a spoon, plug, spinner, bait harness, tandem hook streamer or lead head jig.
3. Fly - A single pointed hook dressed with feathers, hair, thread, tinsel, or any similar material wound on or about the hook to which no hooks, spinners, spoons, or similar devices have been added.
4. Immediate Control - Such constant control as would enable the fisherman to respond forthwith to a fish taking their bait, lure or fly promptly and without any delay.

10 VSA Appendix

Section 103 Angling, legal methods of taking fish
(b) Whether still fishing, casting, or trolling in closed trout waters, a person may take fish only by using not more than two lines over which he or she has immediate control and to each of which lines is attached not more than one baited hook, or more than three artificial flies, or more than one lure with or without bait, except that at Seymour Lake and Little Averill Lake a person may take fish only by using not more than one line. It is provided, however, that in waters that are not closed trout waters a person may so take fish by using not more than two lines with not more than 2 baited hooks, 2 lures or 3 flies on each line.

A person fishing by angling shall not take fish through the ice, from the ice, or from an object supported by the ice.

(c) A person shall not take any fish pursuant to subsection (b) unless it is hooked in the mouth. Any fish taken under subsection (b) that is not hooked in the mouth shall be immediately released pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Subsection 4602. A fish hooked in any other part of the body with a hook or hooks manipulated in such a manner as to pierce and hook the fish other than in the mouth shall be considered to be foul hooked, and shall be prima facie evidence of foul hooking.

No species of fish that has a length limit restriction shall be filleted or altered to restrict the determination of length while on any body of water, except as follows:

If fish are to be consumed or filleted on the water, the fillets may be removed, but the head, vertebrae, and tail must be retained and remain intact to determine legal length.

90-63 EFFECTIVE: 01/05/91

12-014 Code Vt. R. 12-010-014-X

Effective Date: 01/05/91 Secretary of State Rule Log # 90-63
AMENDED: 12/06/02 Secretary of State Rule Log # 02-46

Statutory Authority: Statutory authority not provided.