10-005 Code Vt. R. 10-050-005-X

Current through August, 2024

Contract Period - As indicated on the Request for Quotation Form.

Transportation Charges - The price or prices quoted shall include all transportation charges fully prepaid to any destination in Vermont.

Quantities - For the information of bidders, the quantities under this contract are estimated only and based on past usage. These quantities may be increased or decreased to meet actual requirements.

Bids - Bids must be submitted on and in accordance with forms provided by the State of Vermont, Purchasing Division.

All information required on proposal form, in connection with each item against which a bid is submitted, must be given to constitute a regular bid. Prices and information required by proposal, except signature of bidder, should be typewritten for legibility. All signatures must be written in ink. Stamped or typewritten signatures are not acceptable.

All bids must be sealed. They must be submitted either in plain envelopes or those furnished by the state of Vermont, Purchasing Division. All bids must be addressed to the State of Vermont, Purchasing Division, Montpelier, Vermont. Bid envelopes must be clearly marked with the requisition number, proposal title, opening date, and name of bidder.

Telegraphic bids may be considered at the discretion of the State Purchasing Director.

Telephone quotations or amendments will not be accepted at any time.

All bids will be publicly opened and read. Any interested party may attend bid openings.

Delivery - Deliveries are to be made from time to time during the contract period as requested by the using agencies.

Shipments shall be securely and properly packed, according to accepted commercial practice, without extra charge for packing cases, bales, sacks, or other containers, such containers to remain the property of the State unless otherwise stated in the bid.

Deliveries which do not conform to the specifications or are not in good condition upon receipt, shall be replaced promptly by the contractor.

Tax - The State is exempt from all sales and all Federal Excise taxes. An exemption certificate will be furnished upon request covering taxable items. Please quote less these taxes.

Assignment - The contract shall not be assigned in whole or in part without the written permission of the Purchasing Director of the State of Vermont.

Cancellation - The State specifically reserves the right to cancel any unfilled portion of the contract, providing, in the opinion of its Purchasing Director, the services or materials supplied by the contractor are not satisfactory or consistent with the terms of the contract.


1. GRADES - Where grades are not specified in inquiry, give grade on which you quote using terms which have a definite meaning to the trade.
2. SUBSTITUTION - Where bids are called for and the material or supply is identified by a manufacturer's brand, bidders may offer substitutes giving complete description, analysis or by submitting sample, whichever will best allow a comparison to be made.
3. SAMPLES of items, when required, must be furnished, free of expense, prior to the closing date, and if not destroyed, will, upon request, be returned.
4. Be sure to date, indicate firm name and manually sign bid, and mail to Department of Administration, Purchasing Division, Montpelier, Vermont.
5. SPECIFICATION CHANGE - Bidders will be notified in writing by the Purchasing Director of the State of Vermont of any changes or variations in the specifications. Verbal instructions from any other source will not be considered.
6. NON-COLLUSION - The State of Vermont is conscious of and concerned about instances where collusion seems evident. It should, therefore, be understood by all bidders that, in signing the bid with which this Request for Quotations is concerned, they agree that the Prices quoted have been arrived at without collusion and that no prior information concerning these prices has been received from or given to a competitive company. If there is sufficient evidence to warrant consideration of this bid by the Attorney General's Department, all bidders should understand that this paragraph may be used as a basis for litigation.

General Regulations & Policies, Federal. (Available from U.S. Department of Agriculture.)

Handbook for Commodity Distribution to Schools. (Available from donated Commodities Section, Purchasing Division.)

Surplus Property Manual. (Available from Central Surplus Property Agency, Purchasing Division.)

10-005 Code Vt. R. 10-050-005-X

Adopted July 20, 1969