When a town clerk has accepted a plat or a plan in accordance with T. 27 V.S.A. § 1403, he shall immediately endorse on the face of the plat or plan the date and time of filing, as with any other instrument. The town clerk shall assign to the plat or plan a number, consecutive in the order of filing, which will henceforth serve as an identification and a locator number.
The town clerk shall maintain in his office a separate index book, card index or suitable visible or rotating adaption thereto, called "The Index of Land Plats and Plans." Said index shall include: the location of the land (map title); the date of compilation; the date of filing; assigned location (Book, page); assigned plat or plan number; the name(s) of the record owner(s) shown on the plat or plan as of the date of compilation. An alphabetical entry shall be made under the name of each owner and a cross index reference to all adjacent property owners, if shown, and of the map title, if other than the owner.
10-004 Code Vt. R. 10-050-004-X