03-004 Code Vt. R. 03-030-004-X

Current through August, 2024
A. The Boards of Trustees of the State Teachers' Retirement System of Vermont, the Vermont State Retirement System, and the Vermont Municipal Employees' Retirement System are entrusted with the investment of public pension funds of the retirement Systems and are obligated to safeguard the funds for the benefit of members and beneficiaries. The Trustees are obligated to administer the Systems efficiently and effectively in the interests of the plans' members and beneficiaries so as to avoid waste, mismanagement, abuse, and misuse of influence. The Trustees of these public pension Systems have a duty to administer and provide benefits in a responsible manner without causing an undue burden on their members or Vermont taxpayers.
B. Trustees and employees of the Boards must maintain high ethical and moral standards both professionally and personally in order to maintain and promote public confidence in the integrity of the decisions of the Boards of Trustees relating to administration of the plans and investment of the Systems' assets. The ability to carry out these responsibilities may be impaired whenever a real or apparent conflict of interest exists between the private interest of a Trustee or Board employee and his or her official responsibilities.
C. In recognition and consideration of their responsibilities and obligations as Trustees and to further the goal of protection of the Systems' members, beneficiaries, Trustees and employees from the damage that could result from real or apparent conflicts of interest, the following Standards of Conduct are hereby adopted to assist and guide Trustees and Board employees in the exercise of professional and moral judgment.
D. This regulation is intended to implement the standards of conduct provisions of 3 V.S.A. § 472(d); 16 V.S.A. § 1943(d); and 24 V.S.A. § 5063(e).

This regulation is adopted pursuant to 3 V.S.A. § 471(d) and § 472(d); 16 V.S.A. § 1942(f) and § 1943(d); and 24 V.S.A. § 5062(d).

A. These standards of conduct shall apply to the Trustees of the State Teachers' Retirement System of Vermont, the Vermont State Retirement System, and the Vermont Municipal Employees' Retirement System.
B. These standards shall apply to employees of the Boards of Trustees.

C These Standards of Conduct are intended to supplement, and not to replace, other state and federal laws. Where this code is less restrictive than another law, executive order, or regulation that applies to the conduct and activities of Trustees and employees of the Boards, such other stricter terms shall apply. Where this code is more restrictive than any other applicable law, executive order or regulation, the stricter standards of this code shall apply.


For the purposes of these standards of conduct, the following words have the following meanings:

A. "Benefit" means any gain, favor, profit, reward, value, accommodation or other advantage, including a benefit to any other person in whose welfare the beneficiary is interested.
B. "Conflict of Interest" means any personal or financial interest of a Trustee, or such an interest, known to the Trustee, of a member of his or her immediate family, household member, or business associate in the outcome of any particular matter pending before the Board. A conflict of interest includes, but is not limited to, those defined in subsection 5.
C. "Employee of the Boards" means a person employed by a Board or Boards of Trustees. Employees of the Vermont State Treasurer's Office shall not be considered employees of the Boards.
D. "Gift" means any form of compensation or anything of value, tangible or intangible, and includes, but is not limited to, meals, alcoholic beverages, travel fare, room and board, gratuities, entertainment, cash, goods or services.
E. "Interest" means any personal or financial interest except an interest that is incidental to the person's membership in the System or participation in a plan administered by the System that is no greater than that of other persons generally affected by the outcome of the matter.
F. "Potential Vendor" means any Vendor that has bid on a System contract and any Vendor that is in the business of providing goods or services of the type routinely purchased by the System, whether or not it has bid on a System contract, including but not limited to administrative, investment, financial, banking, and consulting services.
G. "Systems" means the State Teachers' Retirement System of Vermont, the Vermont State Retirement System, and the Vermont Municipal Employees' Retirement System.
H. "Trustee" means any person who serves as a Trustee or any person who serves as the designee of an ex-officio Trustee or as an alternate to a Trustee of any of the Systems.
I. "Vendor" means a natural person, a corporation, a partnership, an association, a joint-stock company, a trust, an unincorporated organization, a limited liability company, or a limited liability partnership that performs services for the Systems for direct or indirect compensation. The term includes affiliated entities and trade organizations.

The following conduct by a Trustee or an employee of the Boards creates either an actual or potential conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest and is prohibited:

A. Solicitation or acceptance of a gift or benefit from any Vendor or potential Vendor except in accordance with Section 9(A).
B. Solicitation or acceptance of a gift or benefit from any person or entity with a personal or financial interest in the outcome of a particular matter pending before the Board.
C. The purchase, sale, exchange, or lease of property to or from the System which he or she serves.
D. Acting upon or providing to any person any information relating to the investment of the System's assets prior to that information becoming public record.
E. Acceptance of a fee, gift or other benefit for providing information relating to the System and its assets, obtained as a Trustee or employee of the Boards, whether insider or otherwise, to any other person.
F. Participation in any breach of fiduciary duty by another person subject to this code, participation in concealing such breach, or knowingly or negligently permitting such breach to occur.
G. Participation in a violation of these Standards of Conduct by another person subject to this code, participation in concealing such violation, or knowingly or negligently permitting such violation to occur.
H. Acceptance of money, gifts or benefits in connection with any campaign for public office from any Vendor or potential Vendor of the System which the Trustee or employee serves.
I. Any direct interest in the gains or profits of any investment made by the Board.
J. Direct or indirect use of the gains or profits of any investments made by the Board, for himself or as an agent, for any purpose except to make current and necessary payments as are authorized by the Board.
K. Becoming an endorser or surety, or in any manner an obligor, for money loaned to or borrowed from the Board.
A. A Trustee shall disclose to the Board for the System which he or she serves all actual or potential conflicts of interest and appearances of a conflict of interest as soon as such actual or potential conflict or appearance of a conflict becomes known.
B. Employees of a Board shall disclose all actual and potential conflicts of interest and appearances of a conflict of interest to the Board as soon as such actual or potential conflict or appearance of a conflict becomes known.
Section 7 RECUSAL

No Trustee shall knowingly participate in a decision or action by the Board in which he or she has an actual or potential conflict of interest.

A. The reasonable and necessary expenses of travel, lodging, meals, and incidentals for a Trustee or employee of a Board traveling on behalf of a Board, or in his or her capacity as a Trustee or employee, or because of his or her position as a Trustee or employee, shall be paid by the System if approved prior to the travel by the Board which the Trustee or employee serves. The agenda, written materials pertaining to the event, when available, an estimate of the cost of the trip and the names of all sponsors of the event to be attended shall be provided to the Board at the time approval is requested. If approval is granted, the Trustee or employee shall report to the Board, at the next scheduled meeting that he or she attends, on the content of the event and whether a Vendor or potential Vendor attempted to pay any expenses of the Trustee or employee or sponsored any function or event in which the Trustee or employee participated.
B. All expenses related to the travel of a spouse, family or household member, or other invitee of a Trustee, shall be paid by the Trustee or invitee.
C. Nothing in this policy is intended to limit or restrict travel to, and attendance at, an event by a Trustee or employee when attendance is in a capacity other than as a Trustee or employee and is related to his or her employment, position, membership or affiliation with another organization or entity. When travelling in a capacity other than as Trustee, a Trustee or employee shall not solicit or receive any gift including meals, alcoholic beverages, travel fare, room and board, or any other thing of value from a Vendor or potential Vendor of services to the System except in accordance with Section 9(A).
A. All Trustees and Employees of the Boards shall refuse to accept any gift that is received from or offered by a Vendor or potential Vendor except for the following:
1. Items or products of de minimis value of $ 10.00 or less;
2. Items or products donated by a Vendor or potential Vendor and awarded at a conference attended by a Trustee as long as they are offered to participants on a random basis through a drawing, raffle or game of chance and have a value of $ 100.00 or less. Any item accepted under this provision with a value of greater than $ 25.00 shall be reported by the Trustee pursuant to section 9(B).
3. Food or refreshment offered during a conference that appears on the conference agenda, is an integral part of the conference agenda and is offered to all in attendance at the conference and taken in a group setting.
B. A Trustee or Employee of the Boards who receives any item or product from a Vendor or potential Vendor of more than de minimis value shall report the following to the State Treasurer's Office: a description of the product, the date of receipt, the identity of the sender or donor, the item's approximate value, and the disposition of the item by the Trustee or employee. If the item is not perishable, the item shall be promptly returned to the sender. All perishable items shall be donated to a suitable charity or placed in a publicly accessible area for general enjoyment.
C. The State Treasurer's Office shall record the information specified in section 9(B) for public inspection.
A. From the time a Board of Trustees has decided to obtain bids or proposals for goods or services, or from the time a Board has under consideration the decision to renew an existing contract, and until a final contract is approved:
1. No Trustee shall have any direct or indirect communication about the bid or proposal with any Vendor or potential Vendor seeking such new or continued contractual relationship with the System except at an open meeting of the Board or an authorized subcommittee of the Board.
2. An Employee of the Board shall limit his or her direct or indirect communication about the bid or proposal with any Vendor or potential Vendor during this time period to that necessary for administration of existing contracts or in connection with administration of the bid or proposal process. All communications shall be documented by the Employee and maintained as a record of the Office of the State Treasurer.
3. A Trustee who receives any direct or indirect communication outside of a meeting of the Board or an authorized subcommittee of the Board with any Vendor or potential Vendor seeking a new or continued contractual relationship with the System shall notify the Board of the communication prior to the Board's final approval of a contract.
B. A Board of Trustees shall require that all Vendors or potential Vendors seeking a new or continued contractual relationship with the System give written disclosure to the Board of all communications or contacts with any Trustees or Employee in the preceding year and any expenditures relating to those communications or contacts. Disclosure will be required before final interviews by the Board or, if there are no final interviews, before approval of a final contract.
C. A Board of Trustees may disqualify a Vendor or potential Vendor from ongoing business or potential business for any communication contrary to the provisions of this section, for attempting to pay any expenses of a Trustee or employee contrary to section 8(A), or for any other conduct having the potential to create a conflict of interest or to cause a breach of fiduciary duty.
D. This regulation shall be included as an attachment to all requests for proposals, bidding documents and contracts of the Boards. The Boards shall require all consultants who conduct manager searches or other vendor searches on behalf of the Boards to provide a copy of this policy to all vendors or potential vendors during the search process.
Section 11 SANCTIONS
A. A Board of Trustees may take such actions it deems appropriate if a Trustee of the Board fails to comply with the provisions of this rule including, but not limited to:
1. A recommendation that a Trustee refrain from participation and voting in a matter or matters pending before the Board.
2. A recommendation that a Trustee repay or return any gift or benefit received by a Trustee from a Vendor or potential Vendor.
3. A recommendation that a Trustee refrain from particular actions that the Board determines constitute an actual or potential conflict and are detrimental to public confidence in the system's integrity.
B. A Board of Trustees may take appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, if an Employee of the Board fails to comply with the provisions of this rule.Statutory Authority: 3 V.S.A. §§ 471(d), 472(d); 16 V.S.A. §§ 1942(f), 1943(d); 24 V.S.A. § 5062(d)

03-004 Code Vt. R. 03-030-004-X

Effective Date: July 18, 2001 (Secretary of State Rule Log # 01-040)