01-001 Code Vt. R. 01-090-001-X

Current through August, 2024
Section 1 Introduction

These procedures apply to the Governor's Commission on the Status of Women's responsibility for administering awards to spouse abuse programs, 3 V.S.A. § 18.

Section 2 Procedures for Application
(A) Who may apply

Any local agency or organization established for the purpose of providing shelter, protection or other support to battered or abused spouses, and who meet the following criteria:

1) is governed by a board of directors
2) has a designated fiscal officer
3) is capable of and is willing to comply with such reporting requirements on the use of grantfunds as the Governor's Commission on the Status of Women may require.
(B) When to apply

Applications must be filed in accordance with the times and places established by the Governor's Commission on the Status of Women. Grant applications shall be considered at least annually on the basis of applications filed by May 1 of each year unless otherwise stipulated by the Commission. For fiscal year 1983, applications for interim funding will be accepted by the Commission on or before June 1, 1982 and for regular funding (appropriation, Act 123) on or before August 1, 1982.

(C) Application format

Application for funds must be made on forms provided by the Governor's Commission on the Status of Women.

Section 3 Criteria for Consideration
(A) Geographical location;
(B) Regional availability of services;
(C) Evidence of funding from one or more local, municipal or county source, public or private. In kind contributions will be evaluated and may be counted as part of these requirements;
(D) The extent to which services to victims of spouse abuse constitute a major focus of the applicant;
(E) Broad-based community support as evidenced by the composition of the service provider's board of directors;
(F) Fiscal responsibility; and
(G) Applicant's long-term stability.
Section 4 General Consideration

Applications for grant awards submitted at times not stated above may be considered by the Governor's Commission on the Status of Women in its discretion subject to the availability of funds for the purposes stated.

01-001 Code Vt. R. 01-090-001-X

Effective Date: July 1, 1982 (Secretary of State Rule Log #82-33)