Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R930-7-3 - DefinitionsAs used in this Rule R930-7:
(1) "Abandoned facility" is a utility facility that is not in use, no longer actively providing a service, and is physically disconnected from the operating facility that is still in use and still actively providing a service. Abandoned facilities remain the property of the utility company.(2) "Access control" is the regulation of public access to and from properties abutting the highway facilities. The two basic types of access control are: (a) "No access (NA)" means access to through-traffic lanes is not allowed except at interchanges. Crossings at grade and direct driveway connections are prohibited.(b) "Limited access (LA)" means access to selected public roads may be provided. There may be some crossings at grade and some private driveway connections.(3) "Administrative citation" is a letter from UDOT to a utility company citing one or more non-compliance items and proper redress requirements such as action on the appropriate bond, revocation of the permit, and revocation of a SULA.(4) "AASHTO" is the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.(5) "Backfill" means the replacement of soil removed during construction. It may also denote material placed over or around structures and utilities.(6) "Bedding" means the composition and shaping of soil or other suitable material to support a pipe, conduit, casing, or utility tunnel.(7) "Boring" means the operation by which carriers or casings are pushed or jacked under highways or public transit facilities without disturbing the highway structure or prism. Bores are carved progressively ahead of the leading edge of the advancing pipe as soil is mucked back through the pipe.(8) "Buffer Zone" means the area composed of material such as sand, flowable fill, concrete surrounding a Utility facility where no compaction or encroachment is allowed.(9) "Carrier" means a pipe directly enclosing a transmitted fluid (liquid, gas, or slurry).(10) "Casing" is a larger pipe, conduit, or duct enclosing a carrier.(11) "Clear Zone" means the total roadside border area, starting at the edge of the traveled way, available for safe use by errant vehicles. This area may consist of a shoulder, a recoverable slope, a non-recoverable slope, and a clear run-out area. The desired width is dependent upon traffic volumes, speeds, and roadside geometry.(12) "Coating" is material applied to or wrapped around a pipe.(13) "Conduit" is an enclosed tubular casing for the protection of wires and cables.(14) "Department Project" shall have the same definition as in Section 72-6-116.(15) "Depth of bury (cover)" means the depth from ground, sidewalk, or roadway surface to top of pipe, conduit, casing, cable, utility tunnel, or similar facility.(16) "Deviation" means a granted permission to depart from the standards and requirements of this rule.(17) "Emergency work" is utility company work required to prevent loss of life or significant damage to property.(18) "Encasement" is a structural element surrounding a carrier or casing.(19) "Encroachment" means entry within the right of way.(20) "Encroachment permit" is a document that specifies the requirements and conditions for performing authorized work within the right of way.(21) "Environmentally protected areas" are areas that include wetlands, flood plains, stream channels, rivers, threatened or endangered species, archaeological sites, and historic sites.(22) "Expressway" is a divided arterial highway for through traffic with partial control of access and generally with grade separations at major intersections.(23) "Federal-aid highways" are highways eligible to receive Federal-aid.(24) "FHWA" is the Federal Highway Administration.(25) "Flexible carrier pipe" is a plastic, fiberglass, or metallic pipe having a large diameter to wall thickness ratio and which can be deformed without undue stress.(26) "Flowable fill" is low strength flowable concrete as defined in UDOT Standard Specification 03575.(27) "Freeway" is an expressway with full control of access.(28) "Frontage road" is a local street or road auxiliary to and located on the side of an arterial highway for service to abutting property and adjacent areas and for control of access.(29) "Grade" is the rate or percent of change in slope, either ascending or descending, measured along the centerline of a roadway or access.(30) "Grounded" means electrically connected to earth or to some extended conducting body that serves instead of the earth, whether the connection is intentional or accidental.(31) "Grout" is a cement mortar or slurry of fine sand or clay.(32) "Highway, street, or road" are general terms denoting a public way for the transportation of people, materials, and goods, but primarily for vehicular travel, including the entire area within the right of way.(33) "Horizontal directional drilling" (HDD), also known as directional boring and directional drilling, is a method of installing underground pipes and conduits from the surface along a prescribed bore path. The process is used for installing telecommunications and power cable conduits, water lines, sewer lines, gas lines, oil lines, product pipelines, and casings used for environmental remediation. It is used for crossing waterways, roadways, congested areas, environmentally protected areas, and any area where other methods are not feasible.(34) "Interstate highway system" (Interstate) is the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways as defined in the Federal-aid Highway Act of 1956 and any supplemental acts or amendments.(35) "Manhole" or "utility access hole" is an opening in an underground system that workers or others may enter for making installations, removals, inspections, repairs, connections, and tests.(36) "Median" is the portion of a divided highway separating the traveled ways for traffic in opposite directions.(37) "MUTCD (Utah MUTCD)" means the version of Utah Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices referenced in Rule R920-1.(38) "Pavement structure" is the combination of sub-base, base course, and surface course placed on a sub-grade to support the traffic load.(39) "Permit" means encroachment permit.(40) "Pipe" is a tubular product made as a production item for the transmission of liquid or gaseous substances. Cylinders formed from plate material in the fabrication of auxiliary equipment are not pipe as defined here.(41) "Pipeline" is a continuous carrier used primarily for the transportation of liquids, gases, or solids from one point to another using either gravity or pressure flow.(42) "Plowing" means the direct burial of utility lines by a mechanism that breaks the ground, places the utility line, and closes the break in the ground in a single operation.(43) "Practicable" means reasonably capable of being accomplished or feasible as determined by UDOT.(44) "Public transit facility" has the same definition as provided in Section 72-1-102.(45) "Relocate" means the adjustment of utility facilities when found by UDOT to be necessary for construction or maintenance of a department project. It includes removing and reinstalling the facility, including necessary temporary facilities, acquiring the necessary right of way on the new location, moving, rearranging, or changing the type of existing facilities, and taking any necessary safety and protective measures. It also means constructing a replacement facility that is both functionally equivalent to the existing facility and necessary for the continuous operation of the utility service, the project economy, or the sequence of department project construction.(46) "Right of way" has the same definition as provided in Section 72-1-102.(47) "Roadside" is a general term denoting the area between the outer edge of the roadway shoulder and the right of way limits.(48) "Roadway" is the portion of a highway, including shoulders, for vehicular use. A divided highway has two or more roadways.(49) "Small Wireless Facility" means as defined in Section 54-21-101.(50) "Slope" is the relative steepness of the terrain expressed as a ratio or percentage. Slopes may be categorized as positive or negative and as parallel or cross slopes in relation to the direction of traffic.(51) "State Highways" are those highways designated as State Highways in Title 72, Chapter 4, Designation of State Highways.(52) "Structure" means any device used to convey vehicles, pedestrians, animals, waterways, or other materials over highways, streams, canyons, or other obstacles. It also includes buildings, signs, and UDOT facilities with foundations.(53) "Statewide Utility License Agreement" or "SULA" is a document by which UDOT licenses the use and occupancy, with conditions, of rights of way for utility facilities.(54) "Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE)" is the management of certain risks associated with utility mapping at appropriate quality levels, utility coordination, utility relocation, communication of utility data, utility relocation cost estimates, implementation of utility accommodation policies, and utility design. SUE tools include traditional records, site surveys, and new technologies such as surface geophysical methods and non-destructive vacuum excavation, to provide quality levels of information. The SUE process for collecting and depicting information on existing subsurface utility facilities is described in ASCE Standard 38-02, Standard Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data.(55) "Trenched" means installed in a narrow open excavation.(56) "Trenchless (Untrenched)" means installed without breaking the ground or pavement surface by a construction method such as directional drilling, boring, tunneling, jacking, or auguring.(57) "UDOT" is the Utah Department of Transportation and where referenced to be contacted, submitted to, approved by, accepted by or otherwise engaged, means an authorized representative.(58) "Utility" and "utility facility" are used interchangeably and have the same definition as "utility" as provided in Section 72-6-116.(59) "Utility appurtenances" include to pedestals, manholes, vents, drains, rigid markers, meter pits, sprinkler pits, valve pits, and regulator pits. (60) "Utility company" has the same definition as Section 72-6-116.(61) "Vent" is an appurtenance designed to discharge gaseous contaminants from a casing.Utah Admin. Code R930-7-3
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-6, effective 2/23/2016Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-22, effective 10/24/2016Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2019-16, effective 7/23/2019Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-24, effective 12/11/2024