Utah Admin. Code 746-700-30

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R746-700-30 - Information for an Alternative Cost Recovery for a Major Plant Addition Application Filed by an Electrical Corporation or a Gas Corporation

An applicant submitting an alternative-cost-recovery-for-a-major-plant-addition application shall include the following information as part of the application, on a total company and Utah jurisdictional basis using Commission approved allocation methods where applicable. If the same information was previously provided by the applicant in a prior proceeding in which the plant's construction or acquisition was approved by the Commission pursuant to 54-17-302, the applicant shall provide copies of such previously provided information with the application. If the plant's construction or acquisition was approved subject to conditions pursuant to 54-17-302, the information shall be provided as ordered by the Commission in the order approving the major plant addition subject to conditions. An applicant will provide an index which identifies where in the application, testimony, exhibits, documents, information, data, etc. filed with the application the applicant has responded to and complied with these R746-700-30 rule requirements. The index may be presented in testimony, as a table embedded in testimony, as an exhibit to testimony, or in any other manner so long as it is clearly identified.

A. General Information.
1. All documents and presentations that were provided to management, senior management and the Board of Directors of the utility and its affiliates related to the plant addition.
2. Copies of all Board of Directors' minutes of the utility and its affiliates where the plant was discussed, approved, reviewed, evaluated, or presented.
3. Details of the plant being acquired including its location, capacity, technologies used, project milestones or progress dates, projected in-service date and demonstrating that the plant addition is a major plant addition under 54-7-13.4.
4. Description of any changes, modifications, etc. to the existing utility plant/system that may be necessary to integrate the plant addition with the utility's system.
5. Information establishing the prudence of the plant addition, information addressing the provisions of 54-7-13.4, and the provisions of 54-17-302 and 54-17-303.
6. Information establishing the consistency of the plant addition to projected plant acquisitions in the utility's latest Integrated Resource Plan and its Action Plan. Show that the plant addition resource is as favorable or more favorable than the compared Integrated Resource Plan resource items in terms of least cost and least risk or explain why it need not.
7. Any and all documents and analyses that address the plant addition's projected costs, savings and benefits and demonstrate how and when the utility's ratepayers will see a net benefit from the plant addition and quantify the net benefit.
8. Where applicable, information on whether and how the plant addition has been or will be inspected as part of due diligence, including identification of who conducted or will conduct the inspection and copies of all reports or other documents prepared by the inspectors.
9. A list of all outside consultants or advisors used, or expected to be used by the utility in connection with the plant addition and all reports, including interim reports, prepared by outside consultants or advisors.
10. All internal reports that were prepared when analyzing the purchase or construction of the plant addition.
11. Where applicable, copies of contracts that are expected to be assumed following close of acquisition.
12. Where applicable, copies of all contracts between the utility and the seller or operator of the plant addition.
13. Where applicable, a history of the plant addition to be acquired including financial and performance characteristics for the past five years, or from the start of commercial operation, whichever is less.
14. Where applicable, information on the utility's understanding of the reasons why the seller is selling the facility.
15. Where applicable, information on the seller's book value of the plant.
16. An indication whether the seller will allow interested persons who have signed a confidentiality agreement with the utility access to the seller's books and records for audit, and what restrictions may apply to such access.
B. Financial and Revenue information.
1. Provide information of the revenues, costs and benefits arising from the plant addition, identifying any limits and conditions on forecast information/calculations.
2. Information on the net revenue impact of bringing the plant online and operating the plant within the utility's system compared to operations without the plant.
3. Justification for any acquisition premium the utility plans to include in rates and recover from ratepayers.
C. Capital cost, rate base and jurisdictional allocation information.
1. Information on how the utility plans to finance the construction or acquisition of the plant addition. This is to include the timing and amount of any equity, debt, or other security issuances and any documents to, or received from, any investment bankers or other entities regarding the issuance of any securities connected with the plant addition.
2. Information indicating whether the utility has discussed the plant addition with any rating agencies and provide any reports or rating agencies provided with respect to the plant addition. If not, indicate when it plans to discuss the plant addition with any rating agency.
3. Information on how much of the purchase price or construction costs the utility intends to place into rate base.
4. Information showing the amount and relating to any analysis of AFUDC associated with the plant addition.
5. Information on the utility's anticipated jurisdictional allocation for the plant addition and any change in allocation factors and other plant, revenue and expense/cost allocations arising from the plant addition.
D. Cost and Operating Expenses Information.
1. A complete analysis of all costs associated with constructing, acquiring and operating the plant for which the utility will seek recovery from Utah ratepayers and identify any costs for which no recovery will be sought from Utah ratepayers.
2. Information on all clearances, permits or other government regulatory authorizations necessary, to be modified and completed for the plant and their associated costs.
3. Information on any liquidated damages clause and early termination fees, penalties, or other expenses which may be incurred if the plant is not completed or acquired.
4. Information on whether that are any integration costs or fees (transmission, pipeline, etc.).
5. Information on any costs analysis analyzing bringing the plant online.
6. Information on how the plant addition will change and the amount of change on the utility's Operation and Maintenance costs.
7. All operating cost analyses that have been completed related to the plant addition.
8. The planned accounting treatment for the plant, including the proposed journal entries or other accounting entries for such planned accounting treatment.
9. A description of and the amounts for overhead, closing, contingent or any other costs for which the utility expects it will ask recovery as a result of the acquisition.
E. For an electrical corporation, the following Net Power Costs information.
1. The impacts of the plant addition on any utility power cost and production cost dispatch models. If any models are revised to accommodate the plant addition, the revised models will be available to the parties participating in the application proceeding.
2. A net power cost study (NPC) in the utility's production cost dispatch model that documents changes from previous net power cost estimates. All relevant workpapers and documentation to allow any other person to perform an independent analysis and verification of the NPC will be provided.
3. Show how the plant addition impacts planned outages, unplanned outages, and maintenance at the utility's generation resources.

Utah Admin. Code R746-700-30