Utah Admin. Code 746-700-21

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R746-700-21 - Cost of Service and Rate Design Information for a General Rate Case Application for an Electrical Corporation or a Gas Corporation

An applicant shall file the following Cost of Service and Rate Design information with any general rate case application. An applicant will provide an index which identifies where in the application, testimony, exhibits, documents, information, data, etc. filed with the application the applicant has responded to and complied with these R746-700-21 rule requirements. The index may be presented in testimony, as a table embedded in testimony, as an exhibit to testimony, or in any other manner so long as it is clearly identified.

A. A Utah Class Cost of Service Study.
1. A Utah Class Cost of Service Study based on the test period with supporting documentation including the development of allocation factors.
2. If a new customer class is proposed, the applicant shall either:
a. include class cost of service studies; one which uses only existing customer classes and another with the newly proposed class included, or
b. explain why no cost of service study including the new customer class is included and how the new customer class is to be treated in setting rates in the case.
B. Its proposal for spreading any Utah revenue requirement change among the rate schedules. This will include the dollar and percentage revenue requirement change for each rate schedule.
C. Its proposed rates for each rate component of each rate schedule and the billing determinants for the test period for all rate components used to calculate revenues necessary to recover the proposed revenue requirement. An exhibit will be provided showing the test period blocking based on adjusted actual and forecasted billing units in the development of the revenues for each rate schedule.
D. Its proposed tariff sheets for all tariff provisions for which it proposes changes.
1. An applicant need not include proposed tariff sheets for changes to tariff pages showing rates, charges, or fees if these proposed price changes are provided in a readily identifiable form elsewhere in the application.

Utah Admin. Code R746-700-21