Utah Admin. Code 746-409-6

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R746-409-6 - Remedies
A. Rules of Practice and Procedure -- The Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, R746-100, shall govern and control proceedings before the Commission regarding pipeline safety, with the exception of the additional remedies and procedures specified herein.
B. Hazardous Facility Order -- If the Commission finds, after notice and a hearing, that a particular intrastate pipeline facility is hazardous to life or property, it may issue a Hazardous Facility Order requiring the owner or operator of the intrastate pipeline facility to take corrective action. Civil penalties set forth in Section 54-13-8 may also be imposed. Corrective action may include suspended or restricted use of the facility, physical inspection, testing, repair, replacement, or other action as may be appropriate.
C. Waiver of Notice and Hearing -- The Commission may waive the requirement for notice and hearing in Subsection (B) above before issuing an order pursuant to this section when it or the Division determines that the failure to do so would result in the likelihood of serious harm to life or property. However, the Commission shall include in the order an opportunity for hearing as soon as practicable after issuance of the order.
D. Hazardous Conditions -- The Commission may find an intrastate pipeline facility to be hazardous under paragraph 2 of this section if:
1. Under the facts and circumstances the Commission determines the particular facility is hazardous to life or property; or
2. The intrastate pipeline facility, or a component thereof, has been constructed or operated with equipment, material, or technique which the Commission determines is hazardous to life or property, unless the operator involved demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Commission that, under the particular facts and circumstances involved, such equipment, material, or technique is not hazardous to life or property.
E. Considerations -- In making a determination under paragraph (D)(2) of this section, the Commission may consider, if relevant:
1. The characteristics of the pipe and other equipment used in the intrastate pipeline facility involved, including its age, manufacturer, physical properties, including its resistance to corrosion and deterioration, and the method of its manufacture, construction, or assembly;
2. The nature of the materials transported by the facility, including their corrosive and deteriorative qualities, the sequence in which the materials are transported, and the pressure required for the transportation;
3. The aspects of the areas in which the intrastate pipeline facility is located, in particular the climatic and geologic conditions, including soil characteristics, associated with the areas, and the population density and population and growth patterns of such areas;
4. A recommendation of the National Transportation Safety Board issued in connection with an investigation conducted by the board;
5. Other factors as the Commission may consider appropriate.
F. Contents of Hazardous Facility Order -- A Hazardous Facility Order issued by the Commission shall contain the following information:
1. A finding that the pipeline facility is hazardous to life or property;
2. The relevant facts which form the basis for the finding;
3. The legal basis for the order;
4. The nature and description of particular corrective action required of the respondent;
5. The date by which the required action must be taken or completed and, where appropriate, the duration of the order.
G. No Longer Hazardous -- The Commission shall rescind or suspend a Hazardous Facility Order whenever it determines that the facility is no longer hazardous to life or property.

Utah Admin. Code R746-409-6

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-8, effective 3/30/2016