Utah Admin. Code 746-409-2

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R746-409-2 - Definitions

For purposes of these rules, the following terms shall bear the following meanings:

A. "Authorized Inspector" means a person employed or authorized by the Commission or the director of the Division.
B. "CFR" means the Code of Federal Regulations;
C. "Commission" means the Public Service Commission of Utah;
D. "Division" means the Division of Public Utilities, Utah Department of Commerce;
E. "Federally Reportable Incident" has the same meaning set forth in Part 191.3. Definitions, Incident.
F. "Operator" has the same meaning set forth in CFR Title 49, Part 191.3, Definitions, Operator.
G. "Part 190" means CFR Title 49, Part 190, Pipeline Safety Programs and Rulemaking Procedures.
H. "Part 191" means CFR Title 49, Part 191, Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline; Annual Reports, Incident Reports, and Safety-Related Condition Reports.
I. "Part 192" means CFR Title 49, Part 192, Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline: Minimum Federal Safety Standards.
J. "Part 198" means CFR Title 49, Part 198, Regulations for Grants to Aid State Pipeline Safety Programs.
K. "Part 199" means CFR Title 49, Part 199, Drug and Alcohol Testing.
L. "Pipeline Facility" has the same meaning set forth in Part 191.3 Definitions, Pipeline facility.
M. "State Reportable Incident" means an event that falls within the definition of a federally reportable incident or a safety-related condition as identified in CRF Title 49, Part 191.23, Reporting safety-related conditions, or meets one or more of the following:
1. Results in damage to any segment of:
a. steel main, twelve inches or greater in diameter, or
b. transmission pipeline;
2. Requires removal from service or repair of any segment of:
a. steel main, twelve inches or greater in diameter, or
b. transmission pipeline;
3. Results in property damage of $15,000 or more, including the loss to the operator and others, or both, but excluding the cost of gas that is lost;
4. Results in the loss of gas service to ten or more customers; or
5. Results in the known evacuation of any highly populated areas including commercial businesses, office buildings, eateries, schools, churches or public meeting places.
N. "Transportation of Gas" has the same meaning set forth in CFR Title 49, Part 191.3, Definitions, Transportation of gas.

Utah Admin. Code R746-409-2

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-8, effective 3/30/2016