Utah Admin. Code 746-407-2

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R746-407-2 - Definitions

For purposes of this rule:

A. "Annualize" or "annualization" shall refer to adjustments made to test-year data to reflect the partial-period effects of events that occurred or were ongoing during only a portion of the test year and are either recurring or have terminated.
B. "Price-level change" shall mean a change in the utility's costs or revenues that occurs or would occur with no change in the level of the utility's operations.
C. "Volume-level change" shall mean a change in the utility's costs or revenues due to changes in the level of the utility's operations.
D. "Interdependent investment/revenue/cost relationships" shall mean relationships among investments, revenues, and costs such that a change in one produces a change in one or both of the others.

Utah Admin. Code R746-407-2