Utah Admin. Code 746-356-2

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R746-356-2 - Definitions

For purposes of these rules, the following terms shall bear the associated meanings. All other terms are as defined in Section 54-8b.

A. "Bona Fide Request" -- A written request submitted by a telecommunications corporation or common carrier certified by the Commission or the FCC for intraLATA or intraLATA equal access service in an exchange or exchanges of a LEC.
B. "CCS" -- Committee of Consumer Services.
C. "Division" -- Division of Public Utilities.
D. "Equal Access" -- Dialing arrangements and other service characteristics provided by a LEC to other carriers that are equivalent in type and quality to that provided by the LEC, or designated contract carrier, for its provision of intraLATA toll service.
E. "Presubscription" -- A process that allows customers to preselect the carrier that has equal access services for providing toll calls through the use of 1+ or 0+ without dialing a multi-digit access code.
F. "Presubscribed Interexchange Carrier"(PIC) -- The certified telecommunications carrier a customer selects to provide 1+ or 0+ toll service, without the use of access codes, following equal access presubscription implementation.
G. "2-PIC" -- The equal access presubscription option that affords customers the opportunity to select one certified telecommunications carrier for all interLATA 1+ or 0+ toll calls and, at the customer's option, to select another certified telecommunications carrier for all intraLATA 1+ or 0+ toll calls.

Utah Admin. Code R746-356-2